The hacker or the womanizer? part 5

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(tw: slight mature scene)

Mc's pov:

Days....weeks..... even months passed by,but no sign of Jake. I tried contacting for the first few weeks but I gave up thinking it was useless and it can also put him in danger if I kept doing that. Everyone told me to move on, and that he left because he's worried about me,and that he probably wants me to be happy.

I know that. He once told me,maybe I should find another man because he's a criminal, ofcourse I said No and said I was happy with him. But what if he doesn't come back? The government isn't a joke.

I'm scared for him and myself. I love Jake I really do, but I also care for myself. As much as he probably missed me, I missed him too, but these few months were too much for me. I had to be hospitalized for not eating well, I had to take a few medications for my stress and anxiety, and then I felt bad for my friends and family who did everything they could to take care of me.

Even though they said I can rely on them anytime, but I still feel bad. Jake is important, yes. But we're not the only ones hurting, there are people worrying about me and him.

After thinking for a few days I decided to move on and continue with my live instead of being inside all the time. I'm sorry Jake but it's time for us to let go of each other, we're not meant to be, not in this life time. I can't stay in the dark anymore. I hope you forgive me.

I am very thankful for the ones who took care of me, the group also helped me alot and I helped Lilly and Hannah,they were devastated when their half brother left. They never even got to talk to him nicely. 

And Phil....he had spent time with me all day and night making sure I was okay and eating, the more time I spent with him...I felt myself slowly letting go of Jake, accepting my reality.

He still goes around flirting with me and....most girls. I have to admit I sometimes wish they would just go away. I started thinking about Phil alot and it looks like he might be interested in me too...But again he's a womanizer. I shouldn't get my hopes up.

It's been a year now and still no sign of Jake, and I finally moved on, I didn't forget about Jake, I still care for him and hope that he's safe, but I don' him anymore...After everything I've been through,I finally took care of myself and became happy again, the donfort sisters still worry about him too, but they still continued with their daily life and I did with mine.

Today, Phil called me to hang out with him at the bar and I obviously agreed, we became closer than ever and I still appreciated everything he did for me and returned the favour by bringing him food and checking up on him and helping him with the bar.

I wore a stunning dress and applied makeup and I have to say..I looked pretty good,hopefully Phil likes this...
wait what am I thinking?...
I sighed knowing I'd have to deal with Phil and his girls. I took my bag and went to the Aurora and when I entered....ofcourse he was flirting with someone.

I felt weird but then i shrugged it off. I saw him with those women who also plays with other men's feelings. Phil's girls are mostly like that. It's sad honestly. 

I rolled my eyes and Phil saw me and checked me out first,then smirked noticing my weird behavior. I decided to tease him abit.

He came closer to the girl and I quickly sat infront of the counter and talked with another bartender working there. I felt him stare at me and I smirked at him too and intentionally kissed the bartender on the cheek as a thank you when he gave me my drink. The bartender blushed and excused himself politely to serve other customers.

Phil immediately came to my seat and  said

Phil: well look who's here
Phil: well you look gorgeous
Mc: I know
Phil: confident.  I like it.
Mc: was it fun talking to her?
Phil: jealous much? and no I'd rather speak with you
Mc: hmm
Phil: you're mad at me aren't you
Mc: what no why would I be mad?

I noticed I was getting abit tipsy because of the drink, I accidentally ordered a strong one. Phil noticed me keeping the drink down and being done with it even though there was still a few left, he took it and drank all of it.

I just stared at him, he was attractive.  No wonder all the women like this man.

Mc: That was mine
Phil: you looked like you didn't want it
Mc: you know me so well it's scary
Phil: well would you like to dance with me pretty lady?
Mc: sure

We went to the dance floor and as we danced, we came close to each other and without any of us realizing it,he grabbed my hips and pulled me on to him, we were tipsy and didn't give this a second thought.

Suddenly,the song changed and it was abit slow and romantic, Phil spun me around and I was facing him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed along with the music.

I don't know what came over me but I felt good somehow. Like I haven't felt like this in so long, it was probably the alcohol.

Me and Phil stared at each other and he slowly started leaning it and suddenly,I felt desperate and pulled his neck and felt his soft lips pressed against mine, we started making out, letting the alcohol taking over us.

Phil pulled away for air and smiled at me.

He was breathtaking. He looked at my lips and pulled me in again for another kiss, it was rough and desperate, it felt good, but then again....he's a player. I quickly came to my senses and gently pushed him back. He just stared at me with a questioning look

Mc: I'm sorry Phil, but we're drunk right now
Phil: oh you're right I'm sorry, do u want me to drop you home?
Mc: um
Richy: hey guys!
Mc: hey Richy!
Phil: hey
Mc: what are you doing here?
Richy: Oh I thought of getting a drink but eh I felt tired and was gonna go home until I saw you both
Mc: oh
Richy: do you wanna go home together?

I noticed Phil glaring at Richy, was he jealous?

Mc: yeah sure,sorry Phil but I'm gonna go with Richy,I haven't talked to him in a while.
Phil: hm. cool okay see you have a goodnight.

And he just walked away.

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