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[spoilers,curse words]
Jake's pov:

There's this thought i had for while after everything was over...... what if i ask her to go out with me?would she go out with someone like me? what type of dates does she like? dinner?movies?amusement parks?

Ugh I've never asked anyone out on a date!! I need some advice.

*In chat*
Jake created a group
Jake: Guys i need help.
Jessy: uh why isn't Mc here?
Dan: sus.
Lilly: let me has something to do with Mc so you didn't add her
Jake: yes.
Phil: you finally decide to let her go so i can date her?😏
Richy: you think?😑
Jake: No you dumb dumb -_-.
Jake: I need advice so i can ask Mc out.
Hannah: ugh finally!!
Thomas: took you 01040 years to ask that
Lilly: i saw what you did there
Thomas: 😙
Jake: so what does she like?
Phil: Jeez you don't even know that-
Dan: hey hey hey! let's just meet up for this, Mc is busy handling things back in her hometown anyways also we need to hurry up since she'll be back tomorrow.
Jake: yeah okay where are we meeting
Phil: My bar, 2pm
Dan: Don't be late or I'll whoop your asses this is a big decision
Jessy: Oh my
Richy: look who's being serious for once😮
Dan: Shut up Mc is like a sister to me and i want the best for her
Phil: Don't you want me to be with her instead of jakey boy
Jake: jeez Phil.
Dan: i hate to say it but Mc likes hackerman and hackerman likes Mc
Jessy: yep
Jake: its facts;) sorry not sorry Phil
Phil: whatever
Lilly: we'll be there by 2 ttyl

Sheesh Phil. Why are you always after Mc. I mean she is beautiful,smart, kind, friendly and in general...just perfect. Any man would want her.

But! she always gives me hugs and kisses so she likes me right...?
I blushed at the thought and shooked my head and just got ready to meet them.

*At the Aurora*

Phil: well you all made it on time, its the perfect time right now since not alot of people drink during the day.

Jake: okay let's make this quick.

Jessy: she's simple. she would like anything as long as she gets to be close with the person and get to know more about him as they spend the day together

Lilly: movies?

Hannah: Dinner!

Dan: Whisky!!

Everyone looked at Dan as if he was crazy and just ignored his stupid idea

Jessy: jeez Dan.

Thomas: anyways a drive?night or day?

Richy: pfft no maybeee a tour of duskwood!

Phil: Y'all are bad at this. Ugh gotta do everything myself!

Jake: what do you have in mind bartender

Phil: there's an amusement park in Colville, it'll take only 2 hours to reach there,its outside Duskwood but not that far.

Jake: So i can also have a small "drive" and have fun at the amusementpark at the same time!!

Phil: bingo!! i raised you well huh tchh

Jake: shut the fuck up-

Hannah: okay that sounds good! STICK WITH THAT

Lilly: Do this, When she comes tomorrow, you're picking her up early and also carry her favorite snacks and make sure to take a break from driving and stop at a place with a good scenery,have a good time with her and ask her on a date after you've dropped her home.

Jake: that sounds...hard..but okay

Phil: and then when you go on a date the next day, buy her some flowers! also compliment her too!

Richy: and also avoid Phil

Phil: yes don't bump into me or else I'm taking her ;)

Jake: you're not even gonna see us do not worry.

Thomas: make sure to give her some physical affection too!

Jake:like holding her hand and stuff?

Jessy: it'll be hard but you got this!!

Dan: you got the woman to fall for you without seeing your face so no worries she's gonna like it hackerman

Jake: okay guys thank you so much-

Dan: Don't you dare wear that black frickin hoodie or I'm interrupting your date.

Jessy: shh Dan! but also...he's right.

Hannah: we're going shopping!!!

Jake: wha-

Lilly and Hannah already grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and dragged me to a clothing store

Lilly: Get a button up shirt!!

Hannah: And some nice jeans!!

Jake: and a hoodie!!

I awkwardly said.
They looked at me and sighed

Hannah: No.

Lilly: you're hopeless-

Jake: a leather jacket?

Hannah: hmm casual and formal....sounds good!

Jake: yeah!! i think

Lilly: alright i got the clothes!!

Hannah: go changeee

Jake: alright alright!!

I went inside the changing room and tried the clothes on.

I have to say...i look pretty good,its been so long since I've worn these type of clothes. Usually its just a hoodie and black jeans-

Hannah: come out already

I came out and their jaws dropped, it could almost touch the floor.
I grinned at their reactions

Jake: so??

Hannah: perfect!!

Lilly: she'll love it!Let's go!! and we're paying!

Jake: what?No I'll pay-

Lilly: its the least we could do for our big brother

Jake: but you guys have already done enough-

Hannah: uh we're not taking a "no" so it would be a waste of time trying to convince us.

Jake: fine thank you guys so much!!

I went up to them and gave them a warm hug.

Hannah: awee

Jake: i love you guys.

Hannah: we love you too!

Lilly: can't believe that we needed to do something for Mc to make you say that but we love you too

Jake: i know right

Lilly: i know i know I'm just messin- wait what!?

Hannah and I laughed at Lilly's reaction while Lilly just scoffed and left.

After paying, we grabbed some dinner and went to our house, Lilly And Hannah took me into their house and I'm really grateful for that, Mc was currently staying at Jessy's.

I thought I'd go to bed early and pick up Mc early in the morning. I looked at my phone checking any notifications and saw a message from Mc.

I smiled and i kinda missed talking to her even though she was gone only for a few days. I opened the message and she said....

A/N: well this was a request from
Brooklyn7999 i hope you like it so far!

Also sorry for the late updates:( and also for any mistakes.

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