The hacker or the womanizer? part 9

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[slight mature content]

I'm kinda excited to see what Jake wants me to do so i picked

Mc: Dare

He smirked and said

Jake: i dare you to sit by my side and let me hold you till the game ends
Phil: hey! our 10 minutes isnt up yet-

*ding ding*

Dan: welp its up now
Phil: you kept a timer?
Dan: well yeah?
Phil: ugh
Jake: c'mon Mc!

I looked at Jake and Phil hesitantly,not sure what to do.

Phil: a dare is a dare i guess

Phil slowly let go of me and i went and sat closer to Jake.
Jake wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and i was practically leaning on him.

Hannah: cute

i blushed and hid my face on Jake's chest.

Jake: Mc!!i can literally feel you pouting
Richy: how cute
Thomas: how cute

Mc: anywayss Thomas!! truth or dare?
Thomas: Dare
Dan: damn someone's being bold
Cleo: oh give him a break Dan
Dan: Mc!! don't go easy on him
Richy: give a bold dare ahah
Mc: i dare you to give 10 kisses to Hannah hahaha
Hannah: well i don't mind hehe but wait infront of y'all?
Lilly: Yes
Thomas: oh c'mon
Mc: 10 pecks bruh
Phil: go go tommyboy
Jake: I'm closing my eyes-

Thomas slowly turned towards Hannah and gave her 10 pecks, with each peck, their faces were getting red,they were cute

Cleo: ahaha nasty but cute
Lilly: seeing your sister kissing another guy is a big No
Mc: but you were the first one to say yes in the first place hahah
Jake: i agree with Lilly
Mc: weren't you covering your eyes?
Jake: i peeped through my fingers
Mc: ofcourse you did.
Thomas: okay so enough anyways i pick Jake!
Jake: Dare.

Thomas laughed at me and i just stared at him and he said
Thomas: Kiss Cleo-
Lilly: WHAT

wait wait wait!! why Cleo? does cleo like Jake? Jake and Cleo? CLEO AND JAKE? oh heck nahh.....this is surprising.... I looked at Jake and his eyes widened at Thomas and he looked at Cleo and just awkwardly smiled while Cleo did the same

Thomas: MC!! I MEANT MC
Thomas: Gosh Cleo is like right infront of me so i messed that up
Jake: oh okay

Jake: wait KISS MC??
Mc: heck yeah you are
Richy:ooh someone's jealous
Phil: pfft
Richy: someone else is also jealous
Thomas: you heard me c'mon
Dan: I'm setting the timer
Dan: and.. Go!

Without any hesitation, Jake pulled me onto his lap and kisses me agressively, i kissed him back and played with his hair.

Hannah:Nope not looking
Lilly: No way.
Richy: I-
Thomas: cute but nasty bye
Phil: jeez

Me and Jake were basically in our own world, i missed his touch...and his lips on mine, it felt like i was on cloud nine, Jake smiled as we kissed

*ding ding*
Dan: okay enough!

Me and Jake pulled away blushing and gasping for air

Lilly: jeez you two...
Hannah: That was-
Richy: intense.

We continued playing and most of them picked Truth, they were scared to do any stupid dares but we had alot of fun hearing all the "tea"

Richy: okay! we should wrap this up its almost dark! we should just sit here for a while and enjoy the view atleast.
Hannah:yeahh I'd like to relax abit
Phil: Imma go explore something be right back
Mc: be careful!
Jessy: yes don't get lost
Phil: I'll be fine besides we have hackerman
Jake: yup

I watched Phil as he disappeared into the woods. I helped the guys pack their things and we sat on the grass enjoying the lovely scenery.

Jessy: psst come with me abit

Jessy pulled me behind the car and said

Jessy: have you made your decision?
Mc: .....well....i don't know...
Jessy: you have to do it soon Mc.
Mc: Phil is nice...Jake is too... arghhh i can't!!
Jessy: are you sure you love Jake not just because he was your ex? are u sure you love Phil not just because he's your friend and takes care of you?
Mc: .....i need some time right now
Jessy: okay..... i will respect your decision Mc.

She left me alone and i sat on the grass thinking about what i should do.

A few minutes had passed and i thought about the moments i had with them and sorted out my feelings.

Mc: okay.....i think i know who i should go to.
Mc: i love.......

A/n: well? who would you guys prefer? Jake for me obviously-🤡 but i like phil too uwu I'll probably make different endings😙

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