Chapter 2

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The following evening, I entered the dining room wearing a Misfits t-shirt, black jeans, and black high-top Converse I took my seat at the table my father wasn't pleased with my outfit. 

"Lilith, we have company please go change." 

"No thank you, I am comfortable with the outfit I have on." 

My mother tried to hide her smirk I kept any sign of emotion off my face everyone ate dinner in silence I wanted to flee to the library and read. 

"Lilith are you looking forward to your upcoming wedding?" my father asked breaking the silence. 

"There is no wedding because I refuse to marry someone that I don't love I am not a pawn in your little game I will not marry Prince Damien just to give you heirs for the throne. I will marry someone that I love because I could care less about the throne it means nothing to me." I stated matter of factly. 

"You ungrateful brat you will marry a prince for the good of the kingdom!!" 

"May I remind you that grand mama and granddad didn't tell you who to marry because you didn't marry a royal either." 

My father sat at the head of the table stunned he picked up his wine glass and took a sip of blood. 

"King Paul, I refuse to marry a woman that is rebellious." Prince Damien stated. 

"Lilith is not usually like this she knows how to act like a proper princess." my father stammered. 

My mother didn't defend my father at all she sat quietly and ate her meal and took a few drinks of blood from her wine glass. 

"Prince Damien, I do not take orders from anyone and I don't need anyone to speak for me I will use my voice to speak my mind. I won't stay silent like some women I refuse to change who I am for a man because what you see is what you get. But I will never marry someone that I don't love that's not who I am." 

"Princess Lilith, I refuse to marry you because you won't take orders from me or speak unless spoken too."

I excused myself from the table I rose from my chair and headed for the exit. 

"Just a minute Lilith." my father called. 

I kept on walking and left the dining room I didn't regret disobeying my father I made my way to my mother's office. I entered the room and closed the door softly behind me I walked over to my mother's desk I slid out the chair and sat down. A few seconds later the door opened my mother entered the room and closed the door. 

"Mom did I go too far?" 

"No, you did amazing you showed no sign of weakness and you were brave Lilith, you spoke from the heart you sounded like your grandmother for a minute."

"Am I in trouble?" I asked. 

"Of course, not when I left your father was pleading with Damien to marry you but I heard Damien tell your father to leave you alone." my mother said. 

I rose from my mother's chair and walked out from behind the desk I walked over to my mother and hugged her she returned my hug and kissed my head. 

"Mom why does dad want an arranged marriage for me?" 

"Your father only cares about you having heirs for the throne he doesn't care about your feelings like a true king should not even your grandfather would be pleased with how your father is treating you." 

I left my mother's office I walked upstairs to my room and got ready for bed I climbed into bed and reached over and turned off the lamp I drifted off to sleep. 

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