Chapter 19

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The next day my friends Onyx and Rosalie and I are visiting my grandparents' grave. 

"Lilith, who's grave is this?" Onyx asked, pointing to the headstone beside my grandparent's headstone. 

"That's Damon's little brothers grave my grandmother had him buried here." I explained. 

We exited the cemetery and headed back towards the front of the castle Rosalie, Onyx, and I saw a lot of unusual activity coming from the stables we ran towards the stables. 

"Abigail, what's going on?!" 

"Midnight is not her usual self-it's like someone irritated her Damon's trying to calm her down." 

I entered the stables Damon is trying to calm Midnight down I carefully walked towards them. 

"Midnight easy girl it's okay." I said gently. 

"Lilith, you shouldn't be here while Midnight is out of control." Damon replied. 

I knew he was right but I cared about my horse and I knew this wasn't her normal behavior Midnight is well behaved I had her since my grandfather bought her for me when I was eight years old. 

"This isn't like her at all the only time Midnight has acted like this was if Annabel and Olivia visited because they were always mean to her." 

I glanced over at the stalls and noticed that a horse was missing I raced out of the stables towards Abigail. 

"My grandfather's horse Brownie isn't in his stall." I said. 

"No one else has been in the stables." Abigail explained. 

I reentered the stables and saw Midnight kick Damon before he could get out of the way I ran towards Damon; he's lying on the floor in pain I knelt down beside him. 

"Rosalie, Onyx run to the castle and get my parents!!" 

I was trying to keep calm I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. 

"Lilith, we have to move him out of the way." Abigail said. 

"I'm worried about moving him because I don't know how bad he's hurt." I explained. 

"Damon, are you hurting anywhere?" 

"My ribs are killing me," 

"Stay with me I sent Rosalie and Onyx to get help." I said gently. 

I looked towards the stables entrance and saw Onyx and Rosalie running towards me with my parents following behind them. 

"Lilith stay with me," 

"I'm not leaving." 

My father gently scooped Damon up in his arms and left the stables I rose to my feet and followed behind my mother and friends. We left the stables and raced inside the castle my mother called the doctor Onyx, Rosalie, and I removed our coats and hung them up. We entered the living room to wait I sat down on the couch and cried. 

"Lilith, it's okay don't cry." Rosalie said soothingly. 

"I can't bare to lose Damon he's my soul mate." I sobbed. 

"I believe Damon will be just fine," 

"I don't want to lose my horse either." 

Moments later my mother entered the living room with my father. 

"The doctor is upstairs taking care of Damon as we speak. What happened?" my father asked. 

"Something set off Midnight because she never acts like that except if Annabel and Olivia were around because they were always mean to her and on top of that granddad's horse Brownie is gone." I croaked. 

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