Chapter 33

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The next day Damon called the doctor to come to the castle I noticed that I am beginning to show that I am pregnant.

"The doctor is on their way over to examine you." 

"Thank you, babe." 

"How are you feeling?" Damon asked, gently rubbing my stomach. 

"I feel fine," I answered. 

Damon and I sat in the living room and waited for the doctor a few minutes later Sam came into the living room. 

"Lilith, Damon the doctor is here." 

"Thank you, Sam." 

Sam left the living room the doctor came into the living room and greeted us warmly Damon and I led the doctor upstairs to our room. I removed my pants and panties I laid down on the bed the doctor examined me, Damon sat on the bed and held my hand. 

"The baby is developing like it should and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the baby." the doctor stated. 

"Can you tell us the sex of the baby?!" Damon asked excited. 

"It's too soon to tell," 

"I would like to wait until I give birth and find out if it's a boy or girl." 

After the doctor left, I put my panties and pants back on Damon and I left our room. 

"Baby would you like to shop online for baby clothes, blankets, pacifiers, and bottles?" Damon asked, walking down the hall beside me. 

"I don't mind." I said, holding his hand. 

Damon and I walked downstairs and entered the living room we sat down on the couch he grabbed his laptop and turned it on. Damon and I shopped online for baby items we picked out clothes, blankets, pacifiers, and bottles when Damon and I were finished shopping he filled out the shipping information. 

"Baby are you going to be able to hold meetings while you are pregnant?" 

"I can hold meetings while I am pregnant, I just won't travel to kingdoms until after I give birth." 

Later on, that day I am sitting at my desk going over paperwork for upcoming events that will have to be put on hold. I glanced up from the event list and saw Damon sitting in front of my desk. 

"Lilith is it normal for kings of other kingdoms to put meetings on hold until after a baby is born?" Damon asked confused. 

"Yes, that means the kings are showing you respect." I explained. 

"What are you reading?" 

"I am reading upcoming events that will have to be put on hold until after I give birth." 

Damon and I left my office and got ready for dinner we entered the dining room and walked over to the table. Damon pulled out my chair I sat down at the table he pulled out his chair and sat down at the table the staff joined us for dinner. 

"Queen Lilith, how are you feeling?" Abigail asked. 

"I feel fine." I answered. 

After dinner Damon and I entered the living room and relaxed on the couch. 

"Would I be going over your head as queen and interview people to be maids and kitchen staff?" 

"No, you have the same authority to hire and fire staff my father was suppose to hire more kitchen staff and maids but never did it." 

"Why didn't your mom hire kitchen staff and maids?" Damon asked. 

"My father wouldn't let my mother hire any kitchen help or maids because he didn't want her having the same authority as him. But yet my grandparents worked as a united front when they were king and queen." I explained. 

I laid my head on Damon's shoulder he kissed my forehead and held my hand. 

"I put a rush delivery on our package and it arrived while you were working in your office. I put the baby clothes and blankets away my parents bought a stroller, car seats, baby shampoo, baby lotion, diapers, wipes, and diaper bag." 

"Your parents are the best," 

Later on, that night Damon and I are getting ready for bed I noticed a bassinet sitting against the wall. 

"Babe where did the bassinet come from?" I asked. 

"Abigail and Sam got it for us so after the baby is born, they can sleep in our room and then go sleep in the nursery once they are able to sleep through the night." Damon said. 

Damon and I climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp I felt him slide up behind me he draped his arm across me we drifted off to sleep. 

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