Chapter 25

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The next afternoon Damon and I are sitting in my mother's office planning our wedding. 

"Mom do I have to wear white?" 

"You can wear any color gown that you want when your father and I got married my wedding gown was a dark red." 

"I would like to wear a black wedding gown." I said. 

"You can wear black." my mother smiled. 

My mother helped Damon and I set the guest list, food, and music Sam came into the room. 

"Your Majesty, sorry to bother you but Father Paine Randolph is here to see Lilith and Damon." 

"Thank you, Sam." 

Sam left the room Father Paine came into the room and greeted us. 

"Princess Lilith and Damon are you using the vows that I read or are you two saying your own vows?" Father Paine asked. 

"We would like to use our own vows." Damon and I said.

"The only opening that I have is next Saturday afternoon." 

"We'll take it,"

After Father Paine left my mother shook her head my mother and Father Paine don't get along. 

"Mom why don't you and Father Paine get along?" I asked curiously. 

"Paine and I never got along because I questioned him about the Catholic faith because they have to many stupid rules. I come from a strict Catholic family and they followed the Bible to a tee I questioned everything about the Catholic faith because I don't believe in God, heaven, or hell. Father Paine told me that I need my faith to make it in life I told him, he was a crazy holly roller. I would attend church with your father and grandparents but I didn't really care when you were born your father and I decided not to have you baptized. Father Paine was furious that we weren't having you baptized." my mother explained.

When my mother was finished helping Damon and I plan our wedding we hung out in the room with her. 

"I don't practice my religion because I don't believe in heaven, hell, or god." 

"Lilith, I don't have a religion." 

"I'm still going to marry you, my love." I stated. 

When it was time for dinner, we made our way down to the dining room and sat down at the table my father came into the dining room and joined us at the table. 

"What was Father Paine doing here?" 

"He asked Damon and I what vows we're using Damon and I are writing our own vows." 

"Don't let that man push his beliefs on you two." my father said. 

"King Paul, I won't let him push his religion on us because I'm fine not having a religion." Damon stated. 

After dinner I made my way to the library I sat down on the couch and read my book that I left on the end table. As I was reading, I heard someone enter the library I glanced up from my book and saw Damon walking towards me. He joined me on the couch and kissed my cheek. 

"Your parents really don't like Father Paine." 

"I noticed that as well because Father Paine keeps pushing his beliefs on everyone," 

I placed my bookmark back inside the book and closed it I laid the book on the end table. 

"In the eyes of the Catholic Church we've already committed a sin because we had sex before we are married." I said. 

"The Catholic Church can't tell me what to do because I don't have a religion." Damon replied. 

Later on, that evening Damon and I are in our room getting ready for bed we climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp. Damon slid up behind me and draped his arm across me I drifted off to sleep.  

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