Chapter 8

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A few days later I am hanging out in my mother's office listening to the freezing rain pinking against the window. 

"Mom, I have no idea what I am doing I've never been in a relationship before." 

"Damon's never been in a relationship before either you two will figure it out I promise." 

"I've never seen a man naked, slept with a man or kissed a man." I explained. 

"Lilith calm down it's okay I know what you are going through I felt the same way when I met your father. But it all worked out because your father was just as nervous as me." my mother said. 

I knew my mother would be able to calm my fears about anything. 

"Why are you so open with me about female health and sexual health?" 

"I don't want to be like my mother and not talk to you about female and sexual health because my mother wouldn't have those talks with me." 

"How did you educate yourself about female and sexual health?" I asked. 

"I talked to a GYN and she answered any questions that I had." She answered.

My mother and I ate lunch in her office we had homemade chicken noodle soup. 

"Mom were you nervous when you had sex for the first time?" 

"Your father and I both were we chickened out three times until we decided we were both ready. But I can honestly say that your father made sure it was enjoyable for both of us and he asked me a few times if I was okay." 

After lunch I left my mother's office, I made my way to the library I am sitting on the couch reading my book when I heard the door open. I glanced up from my book and saw Damon walking towards me he sat beside me on the couch. 

"So much for asking you to go horseback riding." Damon sighed. 

"It's too cold to go horseback riding." I said, turning the page in my book. 

"Would you like to hang out in the living room and watch TV?" 

"Sounds good to me," 

"Your father still doesn't trust me." He sighed. 

"Don't let it bother you." I replied. 

I placed my bookmark inside my book and closed it I laid the book on the coffee table I rose from the couch and left the library. I walked to my father's office I knocked on the door and opened it I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I spotted my father sitting at his desk going over paper work. 

"Dad why don't you trust Damon?" I demanded, walking towards his desk. 

"Lilith, he doesn't love you Damon only wants to be with you because you're a princess and Damon is hoping to sit on the throne one day." my father said, reading the paper in his hand. 

"You're wrong about Damon, he doesn't care that I am a princess you have known him since the day he was born and now all of a sudden he's a bad person." 

"It's not right for a stable boy to be in love with a princess." 

My father wasn't giving a good enough reason as to why he doesn't like Damon. 

"You can't tell someone who to love and no matter what you say I am not leaving Damon because I love him." I stated matter of factly. 

"It won't last," He sneered. 

I left my father's office slamming the door behind me, I spotted my mother walking up the hall. 

"I am going to help out in the kitchen." 

"Is your father in his office?" 

"Yes," I answered. 

I walked downstairs to the main floor I made my way to the kitchen Ryan and Alexander greeted me warmly. 

"Want to help out Lilith?" 

"Yes please." 

"Lilith, you can make the dinner rolls." Ryan said.

I made the dinner rolls and placed the trays in the oven Sam came into the kitchen. 

"Lilith, Princess Onyx and Princess Rosalie are waiting for you in the living room." 

"Thank you, Sam." 

I exited the kitchen and walked to the living room my friends greeted me warmly. 

"Lilith, our parents told us what happened at the ball the other night." 

"Annabel dumped the bowl of punch on me." 

"My mom told me that Olivia and Annabel are forbidden from attending anymore balls." Onyx said. 

"Let's just say that my mother wasn't pleased with their behavior." I replied. 

I saw Damon enter the living room he walked towards my friends and I, he greeted Onyx and Rosalie warmly they greeted Damon warmly. 

"It's lovely to see you again Damon." Onyx and Rosalie said. 

"It's great to see you both again." Damon smiled. 

He kissed my cheek and left the living room Onyx, Rosalie, and I sat down. 

"Lilith are you two a couple yet?" 

"Yes, Damon and I are boyfriend and girlfriend he asked me to be his girlfriend the other night at the ball." 

"Oh, I bet your father is thrilled about that." Rosalie teased. 

"My father doesn't trust Damon my father claims that he's using me to get to the throne." I explained. 

The girls stared at me in disbelief and shook their heads. 

"We know that's not true because Damon doesn't care that you are a princess, he loves you for who you are as a person." 

"I don't care what my father says because I am not leaving Damon, he makes me happy." 

"We know how much you love and care about him." Onyx smiled. 

"Would you two like to stay for dinner?" 

"No thank you we have to get home for dinner ourselves." 

Rosalie, Onyx, and I left the living room I walked my friends to the door they put on their coats and left the castle. I returned to the kitchen and finished helping with dinner. 

"Lilith are you eating with us?" Damon asked. 

"Yes," I answered. 

When dinner was ready, I joined Damon, his parents, and staff at the large table. 

"Are your friends staying for dinner?" 

"No, Onyx and Rosalie had to go home for dinner." 

"Lilith how are you dear?" Sarah asked. 

"I'm fine," I smiled. 

Later on, that evening Damon and I are sitting on the couch watching TV when my mother came into the living room. 

"Good night you two." 

"Good night mom." 

My mother left the living room we continued to watch TV. 

"Are you going to the square tomorrow night for the candle light vigil for your grandparents?" Damon asked. 

"Of course, I always attend the vigil that we hold every year for my grandparents I never miss it." I said. 

Damon reached over and held my hand I laid my head on his shoulder he kissed my forehead we heard the grandfather clock chime midnight. He turned off the TV I reached over and turned off the lamp we rose from the couch and left the living room Damon and I walked upstairs to bed. 

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