Episode 8

46 18 13

y/n pov : 

We headed towards the place where i needed to stay tonight. He talked to me very nicely. It didn't seem as he was talking to a random person.... asked me a couple of questions but not too awkward ones to answer. After 15 minutes, we reached the place. I came out of the car and the only word i could say was, "daebak".

He laughed for a while and i felt really embarrassed about my sudden reaction. 
" Ok! Let's go inside. " He said. 

The hall was too large. Then there were some random BTS group photos hanging on the walls. There was a sofa in the middle of the hall where almost ten people can easily sit.

"Seat yourself nicely" He said to me and disappeared somewhere. 

There was a picture of a concert in which i could see the purple ocean. It was too pretty to notice something else. As i was lost in the picture, someone tapped my shoulder. 
I turned around to see who it was and there was a lady asking me to come with her as she wanted to show me, my room. She seemed as she worked there. We walked up the stairs case which was on the left side of the hall and reached the room.
" Do you need something? " She asked me.
" No! Thank you for asking. "
She left me bowing without saying anything. 
I locked my room carefully as i didn't know where i was. 
After few minutes, i heard a knock on the door. As i opened, i saw the same lady standing right in front of me with some food in her hands. 
" Here it's your dinner. Eat well. " She said to me while giving me a beautiful smile. 
" Aww.. You are so sweet. "
" My pleasure ma'am but believe me, there are sweeter people than me here. "
And with this, she laughed and left, closing the door carefully.

"What did she mean? " I wondered. 
It was 10:20 pm and i chewed a few bites of food. But the whole thing that has happened to me today, i started thinking about every single thing and i lost my appetite.
So i just lied on the bed and soon i was in sound sleep. 💤


I heard a knock.
" Who can be there? I didn't order my breakfast yet. " I thought with my eyes closed as i thought i'm in my hotel room. And once i opened my eyes, i came back to reality. 
"Oh! I'm somewhere else." I said. 
"Ma'am! Are you awake? " The same lady asked. 
"Yeah yeah! I'm coming." I said loudly as i got afraid she could feel bad for not answering her for a few minutes. 
I opened the door and wished her morning. 
" Good Morning ma'am! I hope i didn't disturb you. Freshen up and please come to the hall to have breakfast. "
"Ok! I'm coming."
She bowed and left. 
I quickly freshened up and came downstairs.
"Where is that lady? " I thought to myself. 
I couldn't see her anywhere but i found another lady. As i was going to ask her about the previous lady, she saw me coming and asked me to sit on the dining table. 
"I think, i'm pretty popular." I thought to myself while watching her going to the kitchen area. 
"Hmmm.... It's so pretty. " I said to myself while looking at the surroundings. 
" What's pretty? " Suddenly someone appeared in front of me and asked. 
He made me startled and i didn't notice the face.
I took a deep breath before looking at his face and what i saw, made me surprised. 

"Is... Is.. this really you???? " I asked him with a shocked look. 
"Yeah! It's me, Jungkook. But who are you and how did you come here? "
Before i could say something, other members started coming in the hall. 
I was almost going to get a heart attack because of the shock. " I did stay the whole night in the same place and i didn't know anything. " I thought. 

"Hey beautiful lady! Who are you?" Jimin came and asked. 

"Guys! Let her sit down first. I'll tell you all about her later. " Namjoon said. 

"Is this really happening to me? Am i in front of them? Can i really talk to them now?" My mind filled up with random thoughts. 

"Yeah! Please come and seat yourself." Jungkook said and i somehow managed to stay calm and sat on one of the chairs. 
All of the members, specially my bias was looking at Namjoon and me with curiosity. Their stares made me feel awkward. Being an introvert, what else could i do? 

"Hey! Stop staring her now! Don't you guys think we all are making her feel awkward." 
Jin said. 

" Thankfully, someone saved me. "
I thought. 

Everybody agreed and started having breakfast. 
"What's your name, miss? " Taehyung asked all of a sudden. 
"It's y/n." I answered nervously. 
"y/n, why aren't you having something? please feel free to have breakfast." He asked again. 
And i nodded. 

There was still someone who was glaring at me with some weird looks. 

Suga pov : 

"Should i tell her that yesterday it was me? Or not? I didn't tell her because i never thought i'm gonna meet her again. " I thought. And as i was just going to say her name, JHope started speaking. 

"Hey! I know you! I was trying to remember her for so long. Hwaaa... "

( y/n was going to take her first bite.) 
"Huh? You know me? " y/n asked surprisingly. 

" Yeah! I know you rude lady." JHope said angrily. 

(Please don't mind the grammatical errors.) 

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