Episode 22

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They were quite shocked to know that. 
" You said... They didn't see you??? " Jin asked jhope. 
" Huh? Did they? " Jhope asked in confusion and looked at y/n for an answer but she didn't dare to look at him. 
Getting angry, Jin said in a loud tone and it made hobi to be silent," Yeah! They did see you both together hobi. Probably you couldn't see them because you didn't care about that. "

Hobi started thinking about whatever happened between y/n and him. He kept looking at her to know the answer.... 
" Did they see me kissing her? " He thought while getting scared about the consequences and feeling bad for y/n because she had to suffer the whole thing alone. 

" Seokjin, calm down. We'll figure this out together. " Suga said. 
" And how exactly will we do that ah?? He was the one who knew it could happen and hurt her too but he still didn't care about anything.... We asked him to drop her but it didn't mean he should be careless like this. " Everyone was silent because whatever he was saying was true... and to listen all of these things in a loud tone from Seokjin was quite shocking for everyone.
He again said, " You went to drop her off because you didn't want to see her in any kind of trouble like getting lost somewhere but you're the one responsible for her this condition now. " 

Seokjin was too angry to calm himself and nobody was even trying to calm him as some of them were agreeing with him and some were scared to do so while y/n was trying to control her tears, she suddenly spoke, " Oppa! It's not his fault.... Don't blame him... Even i didn't see anyone there.... and if someone is responsible, it's me.. Hobi was just sitting in the car, i asked him to get off. "
Her answer made hobi to stare her. 
" Why are you even trying to save me when you're the one getting hurt? " He thought. 
" I'll be back. " Y/n said and went to the washroom to wash her face. 
" If you both didn't see anyone, you both aren't responsible. " Namjoon said. 
" Yeah! May be someone was hiding there to keep an eye on her. " Suga said. 
" Guys! Can we give a break to y/n from all of this stuff?... It's kind of depressing for her. " Taehyung asked and everybody agreed. 

So everyone started being casual and decided not to talk about this again. 
Hobi went to kitchen to have water..... Suga lay down on one of the couches.. Jin and rm were still discussing about the issue quietly not to get noticed by maknae line while maknae line was busy on their phones. 
When y/n came out, she directly went to the kitchen to have water where hobi was already drinking water. As soon as she saw hobi, she tried to go back without getting noticed by him but failed as she collided with the vase putting there. The noise made hobi look in her direction and he came running towards her, held her hand and said, " Y/n wait. "
She looked at his tensed face which was ready to cry anytime. He hugged her suddenly and said while caressing her hair, " I'm so sorry y/n. "
His sudden hug didn't let her hold her feelings back and she hugged him back making him shocked. 
" Don't worry! I won't let you get hurt. " She said and left the place without waiting for him to say anything. 

As she came back in the hall, Jimin called her, " Y/n come here.... Let's reply some army on weverse. "
" But you should reply at least 20-30 people at a time ah.... " She said and went to sit with him. 
Everyone was trying to pretend as they're busy but all of them were noticing her as she was happy and almost forgot whatever happened. 
After sometime of giving ideas for reply to Jimin, y/n got a call from someone and she got a big smile on her face. 
" Hey! Kevin... Long time ah..I missed you so much. " She said on the phone and went upstairs to talk.

After some time, when she came down, jimin asked to tease her, " Kevin ah! Boyfriend? " and it made hobi and y/n look at each other. 
" Haha...yeah... How did you get it? " Y/n lied. 
" It's me! " Jimin said feeling proud. 
Y/n looked at hobi who was already staring her giving a glance of ' really? '. 
" I've to do this to let you go far away from me..... to save you from getting into more trouble because of me... and to save your career. " She thought. 

" So anything special? " V asked noticing how happy she was. 
" Yeah! He's coming Seoul tomorrow because of some work and i could finally meet him after a long time. "
" Aww... Noona has boyfriend... He's so lucky he got noona. " Jungkook said making the situation more awkward for y/n and hobi. 

" Huh!!!!! " Hobi said loud enough to be heard by suga who was lying next to him. 
Suga kicked him to shut up. 
" What? " Hobi complained. 
" You know it. " Suga said and closed his eyes to ignore. 

It's 7pm and not to get late, y/n said that she needed to leave. Nobody wanted her to leave in this situation but didn't know how to do that... 
" Will you be okay alone? " Hobi asked in serious tone. 
" She'll be better alone. " Jin said who was still mad at him. 
" If you want, I'll drop you off.... I promise I'll hide myself. " Hobi said. 
" No! No.... I... I'll be fine... I'll manage... I'll take a taxi. " Y/n said and looked at Jin who seemed in pretty bad mood. 
So she went to him and whispered, " You're not looking so handsome like this. "
" Really? " Jin asked and got up to check himself in the mirror and it made y/n laugh. She hugged him and said, " Don't be upset! Everything will be fine soon...." and whispered again, " Don't scold him like this anymore or I won't talk to you. "
" Why? Do you feel bad for him? " Jin whispered back and she nodded. 
"Hwaaa..... I was feeling bad for you and you're just.... Go go.... Don't talk to me. " He tried to show some tantrums. 
She started laughing more. Everyone didn't have any idea what they were talking about, so Namjoon asked, " Can you guys please tell us too? We also wanna laugh. " and made everyone laugh.

" Ok! Then I'll go. " Y/n said. 
" Wait for five minutes. I've booked the cab.... It'll be here soon. " Looking at his phone, hobi said. 
Everyone could see how he was worrying for her and his words made everyone laugh secretly except y/n who was speechless and didn't know how to stop liking that person. 
" If you'd care for her like this, it'd be so easy to suspect. " Yoongi said with his eyes closed. 
" Are you guys sure nothing more happened between you two that night? " Rm suspected them. 
" Nooo!!!!! " Y/n and Hobi both shouted together. 
" Ok ok! Why are you both too loud? " Rm asked. 
Soon the cab was there and y/n left the place after saying bye to everyone. 

After reaching her apartment, y/n messaged Seokjin, " Oppa! I reached safely.. You guys can take a deep breath now... Heheh.. "

Seokjin came out of his room and told everyone that y/n had reached but hobi was unbothered by his words and kept looking at his phone. 
" Hobi! Did you listen me? " Jin asked. 
" Yeah! I already know she's reached. " Hobi said. 
" Huh? She messaged you too? " Jin asked in surprise and added, " Hwaaa.... She didn't let me feel special ah... "
Windshield laugh
As he was going out of the hall, hobi came from behind, hugged him and said, " I'm sorry hyung. "
" Yeah! You should be sorry.... but you're lucky i'm your hyung... You don't need to worry about anything. " Jin said and whispered while winking, " Just take care of y/n."
His words made hobi blush and brushing his hair, he nodded. 

Next day, 

" Where are you kiddo? I've just reached here. " Kevin messaged y/n.
" Really!!! Let's meet at the 'life cafe'.... I'll be there in five minutes. " Y/n replied. 
It was lunch break and was easy for her to go and meet kevin. So she quickly took her phone and as she was going to leave, a random male employee stopped her and asked for lunch. 
" Sorry! I need to go to see someone. " She said and left. 

She came in the cafe and looked here and there but couldn't find kevin. So she called him, 
" Where are you oldie? "
" I'm here only. " He said on call and soon he was in front of her. He was wearing a  black bomber jacket with black goggles. He put his goggles down to his nose and said,
 " Hey lady. "
" Hey oldie!!!!! " She stood up and hugged him. 
" I missed you kevin... " She said giving a pout. 
" Haha... I didn't... " He said to tease her and she slapped his shoulder. 

As they both were talking, somebody with a mask came and sat on the same table. 

Y/n was quite shocked to see him there. Before she could say something, Kevin began, " Hey dude! What's wrong with you? Can you please go and sit somewhere else? " 

Y/n shushed him to keep quiet. 
" He's my friend. " She told Kevin. 
" Oh! Ok! "
" Won't you introduce us? Kevin asked y/n who was still trying to figure out. 
" How did you come here? " She asked the masked man. 
" Can't i? " He questioned. 
" No! I didn't mean that. "
" Kevin, meet my friend Hoseok and this is my another friend Kevin. "
They exchanged some weird looks and then hobi asked him, " So.....you're her boyfriend? "
His question made Kevin to choke. 
" Wha... What??? Her boyfriend? " Kevin asked and started laughing.

Y/n knew that her lie had been caught. So she just hid her face in her palm. 
" I won't accept her as my girlfriend even in my dreams. " Trying to stop his laugh, Kevin told. 
Hobi looked at y/n who was drowning in embarrassment.... Neither she could look at him nor could say anything. 
" Again! " Hobi said and left. 
Y/n was still embarrassed about whatever she lied and at the same time she was feeling bad for hurting his feelings. 
" Ahhhhh..... Why did i lie? I should've known he'd get it. " She mumbled. 
" Did you say something kiddo? "
" You just keep quiet.... You can never be a helpful hand ah? " Y/n got angry on Kevin for no reason. 
" What? Did you just tell that man that i'm your boyfriend? " Kevin asked in surprise and added, " Ahhh... Poor me... "
" Btw... Who is he? Does he like you? " Kevin excitedly asked. 
" Shut up!!!! I'm not gonna tell you anything now.... I'm going.. See you. " Y/n said and left. 

( please don't mind the grammatical mistakes.) 

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