Episode 30

14 7 8

Time skip

It'd been three months. Mostly everyone had stopped talking about y/n. May be because they already had so many things to do and to think.... They had tried every possible way to find the reason but they got nothing.... But there was still a person left who used to miss her daily and it was someone for whom she made this sacrifice....Her Hope, Jhope.


Whenever he used to get time, he dialed her number in hope that may be one day it'd connect and she'd speak from the other side. He used to read their old chats when he was free. Sometimes he used to talk to the members about her but every time he talked, they told him to get over her. They didn't like to see him suffering like this....they wanted him to be happy and cheerful the way he used to be before he met Y/n.

Sometimes when he used to get drunk, he started talking gibberish and his every conversation used to end with missing Y/n.

Seokjin also used to miss Y/n because she had become like a sister to him...but he never used to talk about her as he knew nobody wanted to talk. Every time they talked, they got upset and felt helpless. He never knew that she'd do something like this otherwise he'd have taken her with him before going to abroad.


Everyone had tried their best by talking to jhope personally to help him in getting over her and he also assured them that he was fine. But somehow things were not going right with him. They all knew he still missed her. 

Once, they were in a concert performing on 'Dynamite' when Jhope saw a girl among fans who was wearing the same dress that he gifted to Y/n. He blanked out.... He forgot he was on stage and went immediately to the girl to be sure if she's y/n or not.... 

[ Flashback]

" That store lady told you about this...right???" Looking the dress with a smile on her face, Y/n told Jhope. 

" I'll keep it close to me as it's my first gift from you. "

" Really? " He asked and she nodded. 

" Are you gonna wear this daily? " Chuckling a bit he teased her.

" No! I'll wear it when I'll miss you. "

[ End of Flashback ]

He grabbed her shoulder to make her face him. But as he saw her face, he couldn't stay their more and quickly made his way out after bowing to her. To see that dress gave him some hope to see Y/n. But all went in vain as it turned out to be someone else. 


All of the members were watching him from a far and didn't get what and why he did so. Somehow they managed the performance and it ended soon. 

After the concert, when all of them were sitting together to have dinner, busy on their phones. Yoongi noticed Jhope sitting quietly next to window sill and looking at the twinkling stars outside the window. 

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