Episode 26

14 10 2

Y/n came into her home and locked it securely. 
" Is he mad or what??? Can't he just understand i don't like him.....? " She thought. 

Next Day

​​{ i'm feeling just fine fine fine....... } y/n woke up because of the alarm which was playing ' i'm fine '. As she yawned and stretched her arms, she felt a little bit pain on her left arm. The bruise that xenon gave her was still visible enough to notice. She sighed and mumbled, " I'll just kill him next time if he tries to do something like this. "

Y/n hurriedly got ready because she needed to have coffee with Kevin before going to office. So she messaged him, 
" Meet me at ' prism cafe ' . "
She was going to take a cab when she heard, " Shall we go together? "
Xenon's voice shocked her. 
" You again! Stay away from me Xenon.... I don't like you around me. " She told and quickly got in the cab. 

As y/n came to meet Kevin, he was already there, working on his laptop. 
" Oh! You work too??? " Y/n teased. 
" Morning! What made you come here and meet me? " 
" Nothing! I just wanted to talk to someone... I couldn't call my sis as she's quite busy nowadays... I don't want her to get worried. "
Closing his laptop, Kevin asked, " Is there something to worry about??? " and as he asked, he noticed the bruise too. 
" Hey kiddo! What's this??? " Kevin asked in concern. 
Stroking her arm, y/n told, " I told you about someone that day.... He's kind of psycho.... He likes me and want me to spend time with him. He gave this bruise yesterday. "

" What?? He's really a psycho.. Y/n, you have to be careful... Take it seriously okay.... In fact, let's go.. I'll talk to him. "
She interrupted, " Calm down! I didn't tell you to punch his face.... He's in my office only.. If he does something again, i'll have to make a complaint against him. "
" And your friend, Hoseok?? Does he know about this? "
" No.... He's going abroad tomorrow... I don't wanna give him a headache... I decided to tell him once he's back. " Y/n told sadly. 

After talking for a while, 
" Ok! So you carry on your work... Will you be busy the whole day? " Y/n asked. 
" Actually yes.... may be I'll finish my work soon and that means i have to go back to America. " Kevin sadly answered.
Y/n noticed the time and she was getting late for the office, so she left for the office after saying bye and giving a hug to Kevin.


After working for hours, when she came out and went to cafeteria, she found Jin sitting alone. She tried to hide herself behind the people passing by but as soon as he saw her, he waved and called her name... loud enough to be heard by everyone sitting there. Y/n had no choice but to go and sit with him..... 
" Hey oppa! "
" Why were you ignoring me ah? "
" Ani... I didn't notice you. " Looking away, she told. 
" We're going tomorrow y/n.... Wanna come with us? "
" Haha... Very funny oppa... You also know i can't come. " Y/n told knowing that he's just joking. 
" If i could, i'd have taken you with me for sure and trust me,......... " as he was talking he noticed the bruise. 
So he added in shock, " Y/n what is this? "
Y/n tried to hide it and said, " Ahh.... Nothing...just slipped on the wet floor. "
" But it doesn't look like that..... " Getting serious, he asked. 
" Leave it oppa! It's not that bad... You say... When you guys will be back after one week, would you cook 'Jjajangmyeon' for me? " Y/n asked in aegyo. 
" Do you want me to cook? Done.. I'll do it on the next day we come.... Wait! How do you know we'll be back in one week? " Jin asked surprisingly. 

" Ammm.... Who....would...tell....me....you.... should know. " Hesitating to tell, she said. 
" Waaaa.... He was never like this.... Jinja... " Jin said. 
After talking to each other for a while, Jin left after getting a bow from y/n.

Because bts were heading to another country, every staff had to do extra work before the boys leave and it had become more difficult for y/n because others got some help from the fellow co-workers. But y/n had no one to help her and she couldn't even dare to ask Xenon who helped her last time.
It's late night... the clock struck 10 and hearing the sound, y/n hurried and thankfully she finished her work after few minutes. She grabbed her overcoat and other stuff and left the room. As she was passing the corridor, someone pulled her inside the room and hugged her from behind. It had already happened with her once and it'd turned out to be hobi, so she said, 
" I'll miss you... "

" I miss you each and every second. " The person said. The voice was familiar but it wasn't Jhope. Y/n released herself immediately and turned back to see who he was. 
" Xenon! Are you mad? What's this?? "
" I like you y/n...why don't you understand???? " Xenon asked getting closer. 
Y/n quickly left the room without answering him anything and ran towards the main gate. As she was running, she got a call. Without noticing the name she answered it.
" Hey hey! Where are you going in so much hurry ah??? Don't say you're going to meet your beloved friend, Kevin. "

To hear his voice, felt like a remedy to y/n.
" Hobi! Where are you? "
" In my car! I'll leave early morning so i thought to meet you once before that. "

Y/n looked here and there and after  seeing no one there, she ran towards his car. As soon as she got in, she hugged him. She was panting heavily but still tried to say, " Hmm.. I.... I love you hobi. "
She knew she's safe then and nobody like Xenon could hurt her. 
" Once again, someone saved me from him but i don't know for how long i can stay safe.... He's getting more dangerous day by day. " She thought while tears started forming in her eyes. 

" Y/n, what happened? "
" I can't tell you now.. If i tell you, you'll be worried the whole week and it'll affect your professional life. " She thought. 
" Y/n, i'm asking something. " He asked again. 
" Nothing hobi... It's just.....i was missing you and i wanted to meet you too before you leave. "
" You won't need to miss me.... I'll be in touch with you as much as possible. " Hobi told caressing her cheeks and wiping the tears. He continued, " Why were you running so fast? "
" Ah! Yeah..... I was running. "
" Yeah i know that..but why? "
" It's.... It's late... See.... It's almost 10:30...i thought it'd be better if i run and quickly take a cab. " Y/n told trying her best not to let him know the truth. 
The thought of going far from her and not seeing her for a week, made hobi sad suddenly.
He grabbed her small hands and stroked her hair, " I love you y/n....i want to see you everyday when i wake up....and don't want to leave you whatever the reason is. "

" I love you more...... I love you this much that i can sacrifice my life to keep you safe.... " Looking down at his hands, she added, " Whether you find me beside you or not.. Just remember that I'll keep loving you till my last breath.... I can't love anyone else ever. " Hearing her words, Hobi shed a tear but tried to hold back, 
" You don't need to love anyone else.... I'll always stay by your side." 
Hugging each other for a while, hobi said, " Let me drop you off today. "
Y/n didn't want him to drop her off but she was too scared to go alone, so without refusing, she followed him. 

After few minutes, they reached the staff building. 
" Jalja hobi! Have a safe trip and please come back soon.... There are so many things to tell you but i'll wait until you're back. "
" Jalja! Take care you too. I'll miss you. "
Y/n got off the car and then hobi left after waving goodbye at her. Y/n felt like her heart had been broken... She couldn't see him going away from her... But there's nothing she could do... All she could do was to wait for him to return to her, after all he was the only hope in her life to save her from every problem that was becoming bigger day by day.

Y/n came inside the building and before going to her flat, she took her dinner from the canteen and then went to her home. Coming inside, she closed the door securing it with a lock. 
" If he can do something like this in the office, he can do anything. " Y/n thought and thought to talk to someone. But the only person who knew about Xenon was Kevin. 
So she dialed his number. As he picked up her phone call, he started speaking without giving her a single chance to say, " Hey kiddo! Remember i told you today that I'll go back once i'm done with my work..... I think it's done now.... I'm leaving in few hours.. "
" Yeah i remember.... " All she could say. 
" But don't worry... I won't bother you by saying to come and see me off... It's late and you'd be asleep in few minutes i guess.... Let's see when we meet again! "

" I'll miss you oldie! " She said while weeping secretly... trying not to let him know. 
" Amm.. Don't make me cry y/n...I'll miss you too... I wish we could spend more time together in Korea. " Kevin said and after saying bye, he cut the call. 

Once again, Y/n was all alone....stubborn enough not to disturb others because of her own issues..... trying to stay positive... thinking about the possible solutions for her problems.... She started listening music, " Save me".

( please avoid the grammatical mistakes.) 

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