Lando ~ Aurora

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K-391 & RØRY - Aurora

It's like she's haunting me. Sometimes it's like she's not even real. She never said anything to me, yet I knew her name immediately. She's always there when everybody else is not. Her touch is cold but it brings warmth with it. It's dark when she visits me but every time she seems to light up the sky.

I was on my way home from a night at Carlos' house when it started to rain lightly. I started to cycle a little faster. Suddenly I see her standing there, in the middle of a side road, with her back turned to me. I stopped and squinted my eyes a bit. "Aurora?" I ask but she didn't answer, like always. Her beautiful blonde, almost white hair shone like a star in the night. She was wearing a flowy white dress, which fitted her perfect.

It was pitch dark outside and the rain was pouring down at this point. The wind was also picking up rapidly. She can't keep standing there in the cold rain, I thought. "AURORA!" I yell at the top of my lungs, but she didn't turn around. The sky lit up as a thunderstorm was approaching and I closed my eyes. This must be a dream. Suddenly I felt her soft, cold hand on my cheek.

I opened my eyes and was met by her beautiful green eyes, like an emerald sea. She looked up at the sky and took her hand off my cheek. I followed her by looking up. I saw a beautiful clear sky with all kinds of stars. The wind had died down and the rain had stopped. When I looked back at her, she was gone. I turn around to look for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. I felt like an idiot standing there, so I walked back to my bike and continued my way back home.

What does she want from me? Who is she? What's so special about me? These were just a few of the many questions that crossed my mind while I was pacing through my room. She kept my mind busy all the time. Normally, she would visit me regularly, but now it's been weeks since I last saw her. I looked through my memory and tried to picture her face, but I couldn't. It drove me crazy. I needed to see her.

My mobile phone was on my bedside table and suddenly lit up. It showed the time, 3:17 AM. I decided to look for her. I put on my shoes and coat, and made my way to her, wherever she may be. I walked to where my feet took me and arrived at an open field. The field was full of flowers. I lay down in the middle of the field and closed my eyes. I thought of her, how enchanting she was, how mysterious. Suddenly I felt a gust of wind passing me. My eyes shot open, and I sat straight up. She was standing in front of me.

"Lando" she spoke, almost angelic. I was amazed by her beautiful voice. I got up and looked at her. "Aurora" I answered her. There was silence between us. Suddenly she turned around and slowly walked away from me. "Where have you been?" I asked her, which made her stop. She turned around, her emerald eyes looking straight into mine. She didn't say a word. "When the sun goes down, I feel you coming closer to me" I said and a silence fell, until I spoke again. "Please, tell me what you are, and what you're doing with me. Please, tell me your secret." I pleaded.

She still said nothing, but she moved closer to me until she was right in front of me. She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I am what you want me to be. I am what is in your head." I frowned slightly. "But..." I said but before I could finish my question, I felt a pair of soft, icy lips on mine. I closed my eyes and held my breath. It felt like the world stopped spinning.

When I opened my eyes, I no longer felt her lips on mine. She was gone, again.

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