Fabio ~ El Diablo

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(Not F1 but I had so much fun writing it)

Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo

The Eurovision Song Contest was coming up, and I always loved watching it. Normally I wouldn't listen to the songs before the event, but this time there was a fuss about one of the songs and I decided to listen to it because I was curious. The title appealed to me; El Diablo, because after all, that's my boyfriend's nickname.

After listening to it once, I immediately fell in love with the song, and put it on repeat. It had a catchy tune and was easy to sing along with.


It was Sunday, and after I watched Fabio's race, which he won, I decided to tidy up the house before Fabio would come home. The race was held in Portugal and Fabio told me he would fly home on Monday, so there was no pressure when I was cleaning.

After I was done in the kitchen, I decided to fold the laundry. It's one of the least fun jobs, but it had to be done. I grabbed my headset and connected it to my phone so I could listen to some music. El Diablo came on and I immediately sang along with it.

I fell in love, I fell in love

I gave my heart to el diablo, el diablo

I gave it up, I gave it up

Because he tells me I'm his angel, I'm his angel

Little did I know, Fabio came home early to surprise me, and of course I didn't hear him because of my headset. I turned around to put away the laundry and was met by Fabio. My heart stopped beating for a moment. I screamed at the top of my lungs, dropping the laundry. The look on his face was priceless, but so was my reaction I guess.

Fabio took the headset off my head and instructed me to sit down on the bed. He knelt in front of me and tried to make eye contact. "Mon amour, it's me" he said calmly while stroking my arm. I chuckle and shook my head. "Yes I saw that, Fabio" I say in a sarcastic tone, still a little shocked. We both laughed while Fabio stood up and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"What were you singing?" he asked as he picked up the laundry that I had dropped. I turned my headset off and put it away. "One of the Eurovision songs" I said, taking the laundry from his hands and walking towards the closet. "I thought you were singing about me" he said. I turned around and saw the smirk plastered on his face. I smiled and shook my head whilst I walked towards the living room.

"Well," I heard Fabio say from the bedroom, "you are indeed my angel, mon amour."

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