Lando ~ I love you, will you marry me

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YUNGBLUD - I Love You, Will You Marry Me

I held on to his waist as I jumped back of his bike. Lando picked up the pace, the bike swaddling a bit from side to side from instability. "Please don't crash!" I yelled but Lando didn't listen. "Don't worry!" He yelled back with a smile on his face. We rode on a cycle path between a canal and a highway, to the unknown part of the village. The sun was setting slowly so it became a bit dark.

"Are we almost there yet?" I asked Lando and he nodded. As we rode up to a bridge, the place where the canal and the highway intersect. It sounded strange that the cars were passing above us. Some of Lando's friends were already there, their bikes piled up in the grass. I jumped off the bike and Lando threw his bike on the pile. Lando walked up to me, snaked an arm around my waist and held me close to his side. "Hey guys!" Lando greeted his friends and they did some fistbumps.

I sat down on the ground where another girl was seated. "Hey, I'm Poppy, George his girlfriend" she said smiling as she introduced herself. "Hi Poppy, nice to meet you, I'm Lando's girlfriend" I said. We chatted for a bit, the boys were having fun. They had a music box on, but their laughter rose above the music.

The boys got some bottles of alcohol from their backpacks and passed them around. Poppy offered me one of the bottles, and I hesitated for a second but as I saw Lando taking a big gulp, I decided to take one as well. It didn't take long for the whole squad to get a bit tipsy.

As I was having a conversation with Poppy, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me from behind. Lando rested his head on my shoulder as I continued my conversation. "Love?" I heard Lando say quietly from behind me. He sounded so cute. I turned my head around to look at Lando and smiled at the sight. His eyes were a bit droopy, but had a glistering in it. As I got lost in his eyes, Poppy got called by George and left us two, but we didn't even notice.

Lando shifted a bit and turned me around so that we were face to face. He laid me down and hovered above me, hesitating before smashing his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss when I felt something hard pressed against my leg. I knew Lando wasn't that boy who showed his affection in public, so the alcohol must've did it's work. As the kiss got a little heated, we heard the boys whistle at us. Lando pulled away, his head as red as a tomato, and we both fixed ourselves, sitting up straight next to each other as if nothing had happened.

Poppy found her way to me again and Lando joined the boys. It was already midnight but no one seemed to care. The smell of alcohol lingered around everybody. I looked at Lando, admiring his features, from the way he talked to how he laughed. We were young and naïve, but I knew from that moment on that I never wanted to leave him.

The sun rose again. George slowly caressed up and down Poppy her arm as they laid cuddling on a blanket. The boys were fast asleep from the amount of alcohol in their bodies. Lando had one arm wrapped around me as I rested my head on his chest, his other arm rested under his head for support.

"Love?" Lando asked, his voice hoarse. "Yes?" I answered and looked up at him. He stared at the sky, clearing his throat before speaking up, "I love you." I chuckled and laid my head back on his chest. "I love you too Lando" I whispered. "Will you marry me?" he asked as I felt him shift a bit. I didn't even have to think about it because I already knew my answer. "Yes, I will" I answered him.

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