Max ~ Babylon

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5 Seconds of Summer - Babylon

"GET OUT" I yelled at Max as I threw a glass towards him from the other side of the room. Max ducked right in time. The glass hit the wall and shattered into a million pieces. "MY GOD you're unbelievable!" Max exclaimed and threw his hands up in the air, stepping away from the broken glass. He walked towards me and grabbed both of my arms, his grip on me so tight it might leave a bruise.

"Calm. Down. Now" he tried to clear the whirlwind inside my head. I saw the anger in his eyes, but it was nothing compared to mine. "Why would I calm down if you're the one accusing me of the things you did yourself" I rambled as I tried to wiggle out of his grip. "You cheated, remember?" I spat out. Something inside Max snapped, again. "OH now you're bringing THAT up AGAIN?" Max yelled.

He let go of my arms and walked towards the front door. "Well, good luck with everything" he said sarcastically and laughed. He was about to leave as I yelled "DON'T LEAVE YOU ARSE." His sarcastic laugh changed into anger once again. He walked towards me, grabbed both my arms again and pushed me against the nearest wall. He closed in on the space between us, his face inches away from mine. "This is how you like it hm" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath against my skin.

I looked at him with a filthy look and gave him a slight push, which made him back off a bit. "Please leave me alone for a while" I said as I walked away towards the bathroom. I locked myself in there and sat down on the ground against the door, head in my hands. A tear rolled down my cheek. Max and I had been this way for a while now, and it was tiring me out. I love him, and I know he loves me, but in some sort of way, we always manage to turn that love into anger.

We said we'd both loved harder than we knew we could, but still, the hardest part is knowing when to let go. It seemed as if we wanted to get higher and higher, but now we're only falling down. Everyone said we'd destroy each other at one point. I guess they were right. We kept on destroying each other, even with all of the warning signs.

"Baby?" I heard Max calling from the other side of the bathroom door. I hummed an 'Hmm'. "Can you please come out?" he asked. I sighed and got up on my feet. When I opened the door, I was met by a calm Max. He embraced me in a hug and caressed my back to soothe me. "It's going to be okay baby" he whispered in my ear as he ran a hand through my hair. "I can't fight any longer Max" I admitted.

I looked up at him, looking for an answer. He nodded in response and gestured for me to lay my head back down onto his shoulder. "We'll work it out, I promise" he reassured me.

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