Max ~ High on life

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Martin Garrix feat. Bonn - High On Life

Max and I believed our relationship would end as soon as he left for his first Formula One weekend. I still recall him getting on the plane to Melbourne, our last goodbye, as we thought. Tears streaming down my face, him not being able to let me go, all those people around us but it felt as if we were the only ones there. The last kiss that tasted like salt because of all the tears.

His father was strict and focused on Max his career, so he told Max that I would be a distraction. We were both young and naïve and that reflected on our decisions. Max believed in his father's words, so he decided to end things between us. His mother on the other hand, believed in Max and me.

"Honey," I heard Sophie say from the other side of the line, "I bought you a plane ticket to Spain, and a paddock pass." My eyes widened and tears started to form in my eyes. "Why?" I asked her in disbelief. Max and I ended this about a year ago when he left for Australia for his first Grand Prix, and we hadn't spoken ever since. "Because you belong together" Sophie said stern. Although I was speechless, I had so many questions. "W-what about Jos? And Max ended our relationshi-" I started rambling, but Sophie cut me off. "Don't worry, it will all be fine. Your plane leaves tomorrow at 11AM and I will pick you up from the airport. See you soon honey" she said and ended the call.


There I stood, in the Red Bull pitbox of Max, wearing some headphones and fiddling with my summer dress. No words could describe how nervous I was. The whole Formula One experience was completely new to me, and I haven't even mentioned the fact that I would see my ex again after a little over a year, not even knowing how he'd react.

The chequered flag fell and Max was the first to come across the finish line. The whole pitbox was going wild. It was Max his first ever win. Victoria, Max his sister, hugged me out of nowhere and we both started celebrating, jumping and yelling around. Not long after that, the team, and us, left to the pitlane to wait for Max.

Max jumped out of his car and immediately got congratulated by Helmut Marko. The whole team went crazy as Max ran towards them and celebrated with them. As they let go of him, he took off his helmet and went to his mother to hug her, but before he did, he spotted me standing next to his mother. Our eyes locked and tears formed in both of our eyes. "Max..." I whispered as he came closer. His eyes didn't leave mine for a second.

"Is this for real?" he asked me, and I immediately nodded. As soon as a tear slid down my cheek, Max engulfed me in a tight hug. I felt his grip around me getting stronger by the second. I pulled away from his grip, because I felt my shoulder getting wet, only to face a crying Max. "Don't cry baby" I said as I wiped his tears away. He nodded in response and suddenly I felt his lips on mine.

After what felt like an eternity, we pulled away to catch our breaths. "Max, it's podium time" we heard Christian call from behind us. "I won't ever leave you again" he said as he pecked my lips once again before leaving for the podium ceremony.

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