Mick ~ Stars

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VIZE feat. Laniia - Stars

There was a warm breeze passing as I sat down on a wall, nearby the lake. I was still close enough to the paddock because I could clearly hear my team talking, but far away enough to have a quiet moment. As a Performance engineer you're constantly collecting and analyzing data, measure the performance of the car, and most important, decide on the race strategy. Clearing my mind has always been very important.

I look up at the stars and get lost in my thoughts, reliving every moment of the weekend. Mick had won the feature race, so he and the team were of course ecstatic. When he parked his car and got out, he immediately came running to me and engulfed me in a big hug. It was hard to let go of him, but the moment lasted too long for what we were to the outside world.

There's always been a chemistry between Mick and me. We both knew it, but we didn't do anything with it, mainly because we work together. Our colleagues, and even outsiders, saw it. Mick and I have been working together since his Formula 3 career and became inseparable over the years.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was met by Mick. He smiled and sat down next to me. "Didn't know there was a lake nearby" He said. I looked up at the stars again and kept quiet for a few seconds, before answering "It's beautiful isn't it, with the stars and the warm breeze."

"It definitely is" Mick muttered as he looked up at the stars too. "You know," he suddenly spoke up "We could be the stars out here tonight, don't go back to reality." I looked at him with a confused look. Before I knew, I felt his soft lips on mine. I melted into the kiss as I felt the sparks and butterflies getting bigger by the second.

A slight panic kicked in as we pulled away, and I realized what we just did. I looked down and muttered "Mick, we can't do this, we work together" but Mick lifted my head up again, and said "Liebe, please don't fight. We both know we could ignite." My heart fluttered as he said that.

In that moment I really didn't care about our work and what the team would think. I looked into Mick his eyes and got lost in them, the moonlight made them even more beautiful than they already were. Mick leaned in and placed his lips on mine again. He was right, we did ignite.

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