George ~ The blind leading the blind

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Mumford & Sons - Blind Leading The Blind

The Schumacher family was very secretive about the health of relatives. There was hardly any news about my father's condition, and I was kept out of the spotlight. I was born with good eyesight, but my vision deteriorated drastically as I got older. I first started with light-strength glasses, and now I can no longer see clearly even with glasses. Everything is heavily blurred, the only thing I can still see are shapes and colors.

My twin brother Mick has always been very protective of me. He did everything in his power to make me happy. Until I asked if I could join him at one of his races. "No" he said sternly. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. "Why not?!" I said in a raised voice. The last time I attended a race was somewhere in 2006, and I missed it terribly. "Just because I say so" Mick says without any emotion in his voice.

After many discussions with Mick and our mother, I finally got it my way.

Mick was in his garage talking to his teammate Robert. Suddenly, Mick's engineer stormed into the garage. "Mick, we need you for a second" he said nervously, which made Mick hum an 'okay'. Mick turned to Robert, and commanded "Promise me you won't lose her out of your sight mate!"

I chuckle at Mick's order to Robert. "I don't need a babysitter" I say to Robert while laughing. "I'm sure Mick will kill me if I lose sight of you" Robert said nervously. I put my hand reassuringly on his shoulder and say "No, believe me. I'll take care of it."

While Robert was busy talking to his engineer, I sneaked away. I walk away from the red garage and recognize, by the sound, that I have arrived in the paddock. It was very busy in the paddock. I stare in front of me and try to see where I'm going, but that was very difficult because of the massive crowd.

"Hey, are you okay?" I suddenly hear behind me and someone grabs my arm. I recognize the voice of George. I turn around and look in his direction, his height confirming his identity. "Hey George! I'm.. fine?" I say in a questioning way. "I was just taking a stroll but it's a bit to crowdy here" I confess to George.

A chuckle leaves George's mouth. "Shall I take you back to Mick's garage?" he asks me, and I immediately shake my head. "No no I'm fine" I try to convince him, but George was determined. "I'll take you to my garage then. You can't stay here alone" he says as he grabs my arm again and slowly starts to walk. I hold his shoulder while he leads me to his garage.

Arriving in his garage, he puts me down on a chair, in front of a few big screens filled with data. I turn my head to the screens. "You know?" I speak up, and wait a bit before I continue. George turns his head away from the screens and towards me. "You'd be surprised by how much sight I've actually got" I continued.

I'd love to see George's reaction. "Everyone says you are completely blind" he tells me with disbelief in his voice. "You're wearing a blue cap right now" I say, and George immediately takes off his cap to look at it. "And now you've taken it off" I laugh soft. "How much do you actually see then?" George asked curious, turning his full focus on me.

George and I did some tests to show him how much sight I really have. "Yellow.. Left.. Small.." I answer to some of George's tests. Suddenly, I see Mick approaching us. Well, actually, I recognized the sound of his footsteps, and it matched his posture, so I figured it must be Mick. Besides, no one of Williams wears red clothes. "Red, angry and coming closer" I say to George as he had his back towards Mick.

He turns around and greets Mick awkwardly. Mick crouched to my height and grabs my hand tight. He says, "I thought I asked you to stay in my garage." He pauses and turns to George. "But I see you are in good hands" he admits. "She sure is mate" George says while giving Mick a huge smile. "I will take her back to your garage later" George adds reassuringly. Mick nods at him, and walks back to his garage.

I get up from the chair and give George a big hug. "Thank you" I say to George and gently rest my head on his shoulder. George doesn't pull away. He holds me tight and strokes my back. "Everything for you" he whispers in my ear.

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