Lando ~ She's got a boyfriend anyway

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The 1975 - Sex

I stopped in front of her house with the van I borrowed from my father. I honked a few times to signal that I was there. After a minute she appeared. She was wearing black skinny jeans with an oversized shirt, and a denim jacket. "Hey" I greeted her when she got in the passenger seat. "Hey" she said as she leant over to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

We're just outside of town. I parked the van on the grass and we both got out. I opened the backside of the van, revealing a cosy little couch with some blankets and pillows. She got in and I quickly followed behind. She took off her shoes and coat and sat down on the couch. "Hey, you're wearing my shirt" I remarked. My shirt was way too big on her, but it looked so good. She nodded and moved a little closer to me. I took my chance and put my arm around her shoulder, holding her tight.

She started talking about something she experienced at school. I was distracted by how beautiful she was. She had a sparkle in her eyes, and beautiful flushed cheeks. "Lando are you even listening?" She shook me out of my trance. "Uh.. I was" I said and scratched the back of my neck. "I was just distracted by how beautiful you are" I added, which made her look down and blush.

I put my finger on her chin and lifted her head up. "No need to be shy, love" I said, leaning closer to her. When we looked into each other's eyes, we both knew what was going to happen. I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on hers. It was like fireworks exploded. After what seemed like forever, we pulled apart to catch our breaths. She looked at my lips and then into my eyes. "Use your hands and my spare time" she said and winked at me. I planted a quick kiss on her lips and said "maybe you should get in the passenger seat."

The ride back to my house was silent. I thought about what she said to me. I knew what she meant, but she's got a boyfriend anyway. I parked the van on the driveway and we got out. As we got inside, she took her shoes and jacket off in the hall. I took her hand in mine and led her upstairs, to my bedroom. She sat down on my bed and gently pulled my hand so that I would come closer. Instead, I took both of her hands and pulled her up so that she was close to me. Once again, I placed my lips on hers, and slid my tongue over her bottom lip for permission.

She softly ran her nails along the back of my neck as we deepened the kiss. I laid my hand on her bum and gently squeezed it, pulling her even closer to me. Our lips parted as I moved my lips to her collarbone. She tilted her head back in enjoyment, soft moans escaped from her mouth.

Suddenly her phone started to ring. We both looked at the caller ID and I saw a slight panic in her eyes. She picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "Where are you?" her boyfriend asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "Why?" she asked innocent. "I'm at your house and you're not here. Your parents don't even know where you are" her boyfriend said. She ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip. "Oh, I must have forgotten to tell them. I'm at Michelle's, no need to worry" she said which such ease, as if she lied more often.

I didn't even pay attention to the phone call. Her eyelashes fluttered so delicately every time she blinked, the soft smell of her perfume passing me every time she moved, the way she bit her lip. She drove me crazy. "Lando?" she looked at me, once again shaking me out of my trance. It remained silent.

"Now, I'm not trying to stop you love, but if we're gonna do anything we might as well just fuck" I spoke up and winked at her, which made her look down at her feet. She looked back up at me, her cheeks were pink, and before I knew, her soft lips were on mine again.

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