Antonio ~ D'improvviso

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Lorenzo Fragola - D'improvviso

Antonio and I have been inseparable since our childhoods. We grew up together, me watching him learning to race, him watching me learning to dance. As we grew older we also grew closer, in other ways than friendship. Right before he traveled the world to race, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

After all those years, I started to realize that I wasn't living the life I wanted to. Sitting at home alone every night, just waiting for him to come home. And when he was home, I barely saw him because he was training for the next Grand Prix.

Once I broke the news to him that I wasn't happy and wanted to break up, he completely broke. He started going out. He partied and drank a lot, which had its negative effects on his career. His results deteriorated drastically.

Two years went by without any form of contact with Antonio. I only watched him from afar, on television. I didn't want to make it any harder than it already was. Until about two years after we broke up.

My phone rang. I looked at the screen and it showed an unknown number. Hesitantly I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. There was silence on the other end of the line, until he spoke up. "Caro?" Antonio asked with a hint of pain in his voice. "Ora dove sei, adesso cosa fai?" he asked in Italian.

"Antonio.." I sigh, but say nothing. I knew it would be hard to hear his voice again, which is why I haven't spoken to him since we broke up.

"D'improvviso penso a te" he started, "d'improvviso penso che ti vorrei sentire anche per un istante. Ti vorrei abbracciare come ho fatto sempre. Ti vorrei guardare senza dire niente." He sounded more and more emotional with every sentence he spoke.

I didn't quite know what to say. "Tonio darling, that's very sweet of you, but you know I don't speak Italian" was the only thing I managed to say. The other end of the line stayed quiet. "Are you alone right now?" I asked him. He immediately answered me. "I'm at the hotel" he said while slurring his words a bit.

I quickly sent Charles a text message

Can you go check on Antonio, he seems sad. I'll explain it later

"Tonio?" I ask to check if he's still there. "Sì, caro" he answered. I chuckled at his response, he always used to say it to me. "Caro?" Antonio asked me which shook me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. Are you okay Tonio?" I asked him but I got no answer because there was a knock on his door. Vaguely in the background I heard Antonio open the door, and then Charles his voice. I decided it was okay now that Charles was with him, so I ended the call.

Ora dove sei, adesso cosa fai?

Now where are you, what are you doing?

D'improvviso penso a te

Suddenly I think of you

D'improvviso penso che ti vorrei sentire anche per un istante

Suddenly I think that I'd like to feel you, even for a moment

Ti vorrei abbracciare come ho fatto sempre

I'd like to hold you as I have always done

Ti vorrei guardare senza dire niente

I'd like to look at you without a word



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