Carlos ~ La cintura

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Alvaro Soler - La Cintura

Charles had invited me to spend a few days with him and some friends in Italy. I had nothing better to do during the summer break, so I agreed, and before I knew it I was on the beach of Tarente, Italy. Charles had introduced me to his friends, but there was one girl who immediately caught my eye. She had an enchanting smile and I got lost in her beautiful eyes.

"Carlos, did you know Chiara has the best dance moves?" Charles said enthusiastically, and I knew from the look in his eyes that the drinks were starting to do their job. I looked at Chiara and saw that her cheeks were turning pink. "They're not the best Charles, they might just be good" she corrected Charles and slapped his arm lightly.

I saw Charles lean towards her ear and say something, but I couldn't make out what exactly. Chiara nodded and the two got up from their seats. They moved to where they had some free space and started to move their bodies to the rhythm of the song that was currently playing through the speakers.

It seemed as if they forgot everything around them, and I did the same just by looking at her. I watched with admiration how she danced. Her white silk dress flowed because of her movements and the sun made her shine even more than she already did.

When they were done, they joined the group again and Chiara sat down next to me. She took a sip of her drink and gave me a small smile. "Can you teach me that?" I asked her, a bit nervous. "Ofcourse!" she said. I scratched the back of my neck and confessed "I can't dance, I think my waist clashes with my culture." My head turned red as a tomato.

"Everyone can dance, Carlos, it's not that hard actually!" she exclaimed happily. I look down at the ground, let out a chuckle and then looked back at her with a smile. "Then I need your help" I said as I winked at her, making her blush slightly. She stood up from her spot and took my hand. "Come on!" she giggled and dragged me to the sand.

"Just put your hands on my waist and follow my moves" she told me. I did what she said and put my hands on her waist. She started swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song. Without thinking, I started following her steps. Her face lit up when she saw me dancing. I completely focused myself on her beautiful smile.

Before we knew, we were dancing through the whole song. I didn't even notice that Charles had filmed it until he showed it to me when we got back to the group. "Wow" I said in awe as I watched the video. The only thing I saw was our bodies moving so perfect together. I looked up from the phone and locked eyes with Chiara, who immediately smiled at me.

The sun was setting but the mood just got better at the beach. The music was playing loud and people were having fun. "Carlos?" someone asked and tapped on my shoulder, which made me turn around. A huge smile appeared on my face as I was met by Chiara again. "Do you want to dance with me again?" she asked a bit shy. I nodded in response and Chiara took my hand once again to guide me.

Like earlier that day, I just followed her moves, and the dancing went by itself. It felt so natural, dancing with her. Her face was lit up by the lights from the beach tent which made it almost feel like a dream. I slowly leaned in closer to her ear, careful not to ruin our dancing. "Cuando bailo contigo tu cuerpo me da calor" I said to her, not caring if she didn't understand it. I needed her to know how I felt.

"I don't speak Spanish Carlos" she admitted with a blush on her cheeks. Our dancing slowed down because of the talking. "Then let me show it to you" I said as I slowly closed the gap between our faces and placed my lips carefully on hers.

Cuando bailo contigo tu cuerpo me da calor - When I dance with you, your body brings me warmth

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