Alex ~ Be alright

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Dean Lewis - Be Alright

"I know you love her, but it's over, mate" Lando tried to comfort Alex. He sighed and buried his head in his hands. "I know" Alex responded. "It will be okay" George reassured him as he sat down next to Alex on the couch, patting his back. Alex told them he broke up with her, but he never mentioned how or why. He cheated on her. He cheated on her with some girl he didn't even know the name of. "Come on," Lando said, grabbing his arm, "let's do something fun." Alex got up and trudged after the boys.


"Charles can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on his door. "Yeah" he answered. I opened the door and saw him on his simulator. "He cheated on me" I said to him as a tear slipped down my cheek. He turned his head towards me in confusion. "He did WHAT?" he asked angrily, his face turning red as realization hit him. "He cheated on me" I repeated. Another tear slipped down my cheek. Charles saw the hurt in my face and got out of his simulator, engulfing me in his arms. He held me tight until I was doing a little better.


Charles and I were standing in the paddock, as I saw that Charles was distracted by something happening behind me. "Are you even listening?" I asked him. "One moment" he excused himself as he walked away angrily. I turned around and saw Alex laughing about something with Lando and George. And then I realized what Charles was about to do. "CHARLES DON'T" I yelled at him as I tried to stop him.

"This one is for breaking my sister's heart" Charles said as he threw a punch at Alex, right on his eye. Alex crouched over in pain, holding onto his eye. Lando guided Alex away from Charles. "What the fuck dude?" George said as he pushed Charles away from the scene. I had reached the scene in the meantime. "Charles" I said stern. He turned towards me, his face red in anger. I grabbed his shoulders and said "What. Do you think. You're doing?!"

Charles shook his head and freed himself out of my grip. "Revenging for my sister" he said as he was ready to go over to Alex again. I grabbed his arm to stop him and pulled him into a hug. "That's real nice of you Charles. Seriously, thank you. But he doesn't deserve to be beaten up in public" I said as I tried to calm Charles down.

"You did WHAT?" Lando asked angrily. Alex looked like he wanted to run away from it all. "Oh, I guess he hasn't told you yet" Charles said in a mocking tone, staring into Alex' eyes. "I made a dumb mistake" Alex told them as he looked down at his feet. Everyone was looking at Alex now, waiting for him to confess what he did. "Yeah, so? Tell us" George said impatient. "I cheated on her okay?!" Alex exclaimed with sorrow and walked away, shaking his head.

The boys immediately turned towards me with pitiful looks. Charles had calmed down in the meantime and was holding my hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. "Sorry mate," George started to Charles, "I didn't know this was the reason. He deserved that one." Charles only chuckled. "He'll definitely feel that one for a while" Lando joked, making us all laugh.

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