Mick ~ Shivers

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Ed Sheeran - Shivers

The morning light shone through a slit in the curtain. It was lighting up the room enough to see her peacefully sleeping next to me. Her long hair was spread across the pillow, hand clutching onto the duvet. I admired her for a while. I wanted nothing else than to keep her safe, close to me. To protect her at any cost. A sigh escaped from her lips as she opened her eyes slowly and closed them again right away. "Staring is rude Mick" she whispered. I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair. "I wasn't staring, I was admiring you" I corrected her.

She opened her eyes once again and smiled at me. She shifted a bit and cuddled into me, her head buried in my neck and her legs tangled in mine. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, which made her smile even more. That smile of her would be the death of me. She had me in the palm of her hands. I sat up, propping myself up on one elbow, head resting on my hand. My movements made her cuddle into me even harder, her head against my chest.

"Don't you have training today?" she muttered into my chest. "No liebe, I'm all yours today" I said and felt her giggle. She turned around to lay on her back and stretched the sleep out of her limbs. A yawn escaped her mouth as she rubbed in her eyes. The sudden loss of warmth against my chest made me shiver. She noticed my shivers and pulled me into her, cuddling into her side. She started stroking through my hair.

I felt her look down at me, so I looked up at her and was met by her sparkling eyes. "What do you want to do today?" she asked me, still stroking through my hair. I cuddled into her more, enjoying her warmth. "Stay in bed a little longer please" I asked her while staring into her eyes. "Good plan" she chuckled and looked away from my gaze. I raised my hand up to her face, slowly turning her head until she was looking at me again. I sat up a bit and pressed my lips to hers.

She took ahold of my face with both hands, bringing more passion into the kiss. I never kissed a mouth that tasted like hers, like strawberries and something more. I slid my tongue over her bottom lip, asking for permission, to which she immediately responded. We deepened the kiss. She pulled me closer into her and ran her nails along my neck. She drove me crazy, always wanting more. I broke the kiss and looked at her, hovering over her a bit. Her eyes were sparkling with love.

"I love you" I said as I pressed my lips against hers again. I felt her smile into the kiss. She caressed my cheek with her thumb, which made me go weak. She pulled away and whispered "I love you too."

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