Charles ~ Are you happy now?

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Zedd, Elley Duhé - Happy Now

Charles broke up with me at the beginning of summer break. He said he had met another girl and didn't want to hurt my feelings, so he broke up with me before starting something new with her. There was nothing left to say so I shut my mouth. They did not go public yet, and I haven't told the boys, so I guess everyone still thinks everything is fine.

The first GP after summer break arrived. I had the opportunity to attend the weekend but decided it would be the best that I wouldn't. Not only would I receive tons of questions, being so close to Charles would even break me harder.

I was watching the qualifying as my phone buzzed, and it showed me one new text message.


Charles doesn't seem so happy without you. Hope you can come and join him next week!

A tear rolled down my cheek as I read his message. They didn't know. While I was wiping away the tears, I looked up at the television screen as Crofty said "It looks like Leclerc doesn't have the best weekend. The look on his face tells enough to know that something is off."

The camera turned around to face Charles in the pitbox, standing behind his car. He indeed didn't look very happy. It broke my heart to see him like this, but on the other side, it was his own choice. But I knew, from the moment we broke up, he still had me in the palm of his hands.

Sunday arrived and it was time for the race. Charles did okay, it was not his best result, but it was acceptable. Normally I would call him after the race, and we would talk for hours until he needed to catch his plane or go to bed. Now it remained silent on my phone. I decided to take a warm bath and then watch a movie on Netflix.

I was scrolling through Instagram as I was laying in my bed. I felt empty without a phone call from Charles after the race. Everything was different. Suddenly, my phone started to buzz. The caller ID popped up in my screen: Charles. I hesitated, but accepted the call, and kept quiet. "Mon amour?" I heard Charles say. "Charles.." I answered him. He sighed as he started "I.. I think I made a mistake.. Everything is stupid without you." We both stayed quiet until Charles spoke up again "I miss you so much you know."

"You're a world away, in a foreign place. Are you happy now?" I asked him but he didn't answer me. "You left me just as empty as the day you came. You may think you hold all the cards but it's all in vain. Goodbye Charles" I said as I ended the call. Again, tears started to form in my eyes, and fell down my cheeks as they flooded my eyes.

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