George/Lando ~ Animals

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Maroon 5 - Animals

A few months ago I had a short fling with Lando. Some people have a summer fling, but he was my winter fling. We've known each other for a few years now, as I'm one of his sister's friends, but I didn't see him that much because he was always traveling the world. But during the winter stop we got closer.

Lando and I promised it was just a fling and as soon as he had to leave again, I didn't hear as much from him. He once invited me to one of the races but then I was still his sister's friend, not his fling.

And that's where I met George.

We got introduced by Lando, of course, and we got along quite well immediately.

After I learned that Lando had moved on from our fling, I decided to ring George and meet up. Lando had his summer fling, but George and I were more than a summer fling. When the summer break was over, I came back to the paddock as George's girlfriend, to Lando's despise.

I could feel his eyes on me whenever I was in his sights. I tried my best to stay away from him, but he constantly knew where I was.

Outside of the Ferrari pitboxes, I ran into Charles. Charles and I were having a nice conversation until Lando decided to join. I slightly jumped because of Lando's sudden presence. I tried to act as normal as possible, and Charles, of course, knew nothing about what was going on. After a while, Charles was called by one of his engineers, so we said our goodbyes.

I was about to walk away, but he was quick to start a conversation I couldn't escape. "Hey" he started with a small smile. "Hey Lando, how have you been?" I asked polite just in case someone was eavesdropping on us. "I'm fine, thanks" he answered, not even bothering to ask how I've been. "Good. Well, I'm sorry but I've got to go" I tried to end the conversation and walked away, but he grabbed my arm which made me stop dead in my tracks. It was like he knew what I was thinking.

"You can start over, you can run free," he paused, turning his head to look at me with a smirk plastered on his face, "you can find other fish in the see, you can pretend it's meant to be..." I furrowed my brows whilst looking at him. As I looked past him, I saw George coming our way.

"But you can't stay away from me" he winked at me, but George was quick to intervene. "You're going a bit too far now mate" George said as he towered over Lando. I saw Lando's eyes get darker. This wasn't going to end well. "What were you going to do?" he spat to George.

I did what I had to do and jumped in between them. "Please stop guys, this is unnecessary" I cried out as I pushed both of them away. They didn't care and stood in front of each other just as fast again.

"I'll hunt you down" George growled at Lando. And as if nothing had just happened, Lando walked away, leaving both George and me flabbergasted.

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