Charles ~ Alone

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Alan Walker & Ava Max - Alone, Pt. II

Charles and I have been friends since we were young. Our parents were friends and my brother teached Charles karting. Since the beginning, we had such an incredible strong connection. We went to the same high school, I often went with him to his race weekends to cheer for him.

Charles was there for me when Jules had his accident. The typhoon had arrived at Suzuka but the FIA decided to start the race anyway. Sutil lost control of his car and spun off the track. "I don't trust it Charles" I said to him as I started picking my nails. "It will be fine, don't worry" he reassured me and took my hand in his.

Little did we know that my feelings were right. Jules lost control of his car at the same spot as Sutil, only one lap later, and collided with the tractor crane that was tending Sutil's car. My head immediately shot towards Charles as tears started to form in my eyes.

Charles never left my side since that day. He tried to visit Jules in the hospital almost every day, even if it was for only a few minutes. He stayed up all night just to make sure I slept, because I only felt safe with him. He was my rock, my shoulder to cry on, the one I relied on.

People always asked why we weren't in a relationship, but we would just raise our shoulders because we never really thought about it. Charles got into a relationship with Giada which caused for Charles and me to slightly grow apart. I didn't mind at first, Charles deserved happiness.

Every year that passed, we had less and less contact. I found it hard to explain when people asked about it, because I missed him terribly. It was his own choice and I couldn't stop him from it.

Charles had started his first season with Ferrari and the first half of the season went very well for him. I followed every race on television, like I always did when I couldn't come with him. At the beginning of his summer break, I heard Giada announced their break-up. Charles wanted to focus on racing, which I found quite remarkable for him to say. Racing was his life, but his loved ones always had been more important.

A few weeks had passed since that announcement. I was enjoying the sun on the balcony of my apartment when my phone rang. People tend to call me often, but my eyes widened when I saw the caller ID: Charles. I didn't hesitate once and picked up the phone. "Tu me manques" Charles said as soon as I answered the call. "Charles?" I asked him in disbelief. "I'm sorry for not calling you earlier" he immediately apologized, guilt lingering in his voice. I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

While we both kept quiet for some time, the doorbell rang. "Hang on one second, there's someone at my door" I said as I stood up and walked towards the door, the phone still in my hand. I opened the door and there stood Charles. I flew around his neck, dropping my phone in the process but I didn't care. I felt his grip around me getting stronger as I buried my head in his neck.

"I woke up one day and realized I wasn't in the right place. It felt as if I was missing something. Later I came to realize I didn't miss something, but someone" he explained. I pulled away from him and took a step back, looking into his eyes. It was as if he understood me even though I hadn't said a word. He took my hands in his and said "I'm never letting you go."

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