Lando ~ Bruises

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Lewis Capaldi - Bruises

Every day it got colder, I got colder. Everyone told me to put him out of my mind. My grades dropped, I didn't speak to my friends anymore, I lost interest in just about everything in life. I locked myself up in my bedroom all day, every day, and stopped taking care of myself. I was just a shadow of my former self. My clothes fell like a bag around me due to weight loss. Every word that I've spoken since he left felt hollow.

I was counting the days since I lost him. 182 days. I'd been holding onto hope. Maybe he'll come back when he's given time to think, but after a while I knew that wouldn't happen.

Right after the breakup I ran into him a few times. We hardly spoke at those encounters. Now it has been several months since I last saw him, but I never lost the bruises that he left behind.

My friends ordered me to go out shopping with them, since it was almost Christmas, and they must've thought the Christmas spirit in town would lighten up my mood. I didn't even bother to look in the mirror when I got dressed. I was too tired of being so exhausted. I knew I had bags under my eyes, but I didn't care. I was wearing a black hoodie and some black skinny jeans, which hang loose around my small figure.


"Come on Louise, enjoy it! I mean, look at all those lights! It's so pretty, isn't it?" Anna said as she twirled around, pointing at all the Christmas lights hanging in between the stores. I sighed and decided to take a look. She was right, it was a beautiful sight.

As I was looking up, I felt I ran into something. When I looked in front of me, I saw that it was not something, but someone. "I'm so sorry" I apologized and looked at the ground in shame. "Don't worry" the person said. As soon as I heard the person's voice, I became dizzy and my stomach turned. I lifted my head and looked right into his eyes. "Lando" I almost whispered. Lando looked shocked when he saw me, and what I looked like.

Lando saw the struggle I had to keep myself on my feet. He took me into his arms, into a hug, to keep me from falling. His cologne filled my nose and brought back all the feelings I had been pushing away all this time. Tears filled my eyes and soon streamed down my cheeks, wetting his coat. He started to rub my back lightly to comfort me, but it only made the tears come faster.

The tears stopped after what felt like hours. Lando was still holding me close. I was afraid to move, afraid it was all a dream and he'd be gone as soon as I let go of him. I felt him tremble which made me look up at him, straight into his red, puffy eyes. He'd been crying too. I shot him a weak smile as I wiped away the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Y-you kept my head from g-going under" he admitted between soft sobs. The stream of tears that had just stopped, begun once again, wetting my cheeks. "I need you by my side" I whispered as I nuzzled my face into his neck. His grip around me tightened, almost suffocating me but I didn't care. I was home again.

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