George ~ Let you love me

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Rita Ora - Let You Love Me

It started as just a fling. Just some flirting, just having fun. But now we're at a point of no return.

It was the last race of the season in Abu Dabhi. There was a mixed atmosphere. Everyone was happy that winter break was imminent, but it was also a long break. As I was having a conversation with Simon, I spotted George entering the pit box. George happily walked up to me, as always, and greeted us.

"Thank you for your advice Simon. I'll send you the document tonight!" I said to Simon and we said our goodbyes. I turned to George with a questioning look. "What's up?" I asked him. He started to fiddle with his bracelet, which meant he was nervous for something. "I was wondering if you'd like to stop by my hotel room tonight? Watch a movie maybe?" George asked me whilst looking down at his feet. A soft chuckle escaped my lips. "Yeah of course, I'll be there around 8. Got to go to my meeting now" I answered. I looked back at George while I was walking away and gave him a smirk.

As I was standing in the elevator on my way to George his room, my mind wondered off to why George was so nervous earlier today. He asked me the same question many times before and he wasn't nervous then. Maybe it was because we're not going to see each other for several months? The elevator arrived at the right floor and opened its doors, so I got out and walked towards George's room.

I knocked on the door and George almost immediately opened the door. "Hi" he said and stepped aside so I could walk in. "Hey" I greeted him and sat down on the bed. George sat down beside me and started to fiddle with his bracelet again. "Did you already pick a movie?" I asked him but he kept looking at his bracelet. "Well," he spoke up, "actually I wanted to ask you something."

George's nervousness also had its effect on me as I felt a weird feeling build up inside me. "And that is?" I ask him curiously. I knew George wanted to make it real between us, and he tried a lot of times before but every time I start running. "I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my girlfriend. Keeping us a secret is tiring me a bit out, I'd like to show everyone how much I love you" he said while he took my hands in his, slowly caressing it with his thumb.

"Y-you know.. I-I can't George" I stuttered as I stood up to walk away, but George grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Don't go, please" he said and looked into my eyes. I sat down again and sighed. "I wish that I could let you love me..." I said, burying my head in my hands. It stayed quiet for a bit before I spoke up again. "I don't know what's the matter with me, every time it gets too real and I start running" I rambled whilst looking up, into George's eyes.

"Then don't run, stay!" he raised his voice a bit. "Heaven knows I've tried!" I practically yelled at him as I stood up and walked towards the window. There was a silence between us. "I want to let you inside, but every time I push you away" I sigh, the tears in my eyes were on the edge of spilling. I heard George get up from the bed and walk towards me.

His arms wrapped around my waist as I felt his chest pressing against my back. He laid his head on my shoulder and let out a sigh. "Let it go. I will be there all the time. We'll make it together, as long as I've got you by my side" he mumbled. His words felt good, and I think he might be right. I turned around to face George. I didn't think twice and placed my lips on his, giving him the answer he needed.

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