George ~ The blind leading the blind part 2

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Part 2!

Mumford & Sons - Blind Leading the Blind

I was on my way down the hall as I heard Mick his raised voice coming from one of the rooms. I walked closer to the door of where the sound came from, and slightly leaned in. My parents and Mick were in my father's retreat room. I heard my mother say something but couldn't quite make out what. I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I clearly did.

"She can't mom!" Mick exclaimed in desperation. I heard my mom mumble something, to which Mick said "I don't care. She's fragile." I heard Mick his footsteps approaching the door of the room. I quickly made my way to where I was headed before I started eavesdropping.


The following weeks were filled with arguments between Mick and me. "But Mick I want to go!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in defense. "No, you won't. I won't let you. What part of that don't you understand?" he said sternly. I turned towards my mother and waited for her to say something, but she didn't.

As the tears filled my eyes, I walked away from the conversation and towards my room, locking the door behind me. I wanted to get away from here, clear my thoughts, away from Mick. All the arguments changed the atmosphere in the house. It was tense most of the time. Luckily I had George to lighten my mood. Since our encounter in the paddock, a few weeks ago, we grew closer to each other.

I searched for my phone on my nightstand. I didn't have a smartphone because of my bad sight, but I did have an old phone just for calling, with speed dials set. '1' was for Mick, '2' for my mother, '3' for Gina, and recently George made '4' his speed dial. I ran my thumb over the buttons, counting until I had reached '4'. I pressed the button and waited for George to pick up. He didn't take long to answer the call.

"Hey gorgeous" George greeted me happily, but my silence caused for worry. "What's wrong love?" he asked soft. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I once again went over the argument with Mick. "I'm sorry" I excused myself of crying. "Don't worry" George reassured me.

There was a sudden knock on my door. "What?" I asked, knowing it was Mick. "Mom and I are going to see Gina, do you want to go with us?" he asked me softly. "No, I'm fine" I answered him and heard his footsteps lead away from my door. "That was Mick" I told George as he was still on the phone with me. George hummed an 'Mhm', indicating he was in deep thoughts.

"Can you pick me up?" I asked in my sweetest voice. I didn't want to be home right now, not even when Mick was gone. I wanted to go for a drive and clear my head. "Of course, gorgeous, anything for you. I'll be there in 30" George told me, and we ended the call. I put on my shoes and coat, and since that took longer than usual, George arrived just as I was done. I opened the front door for him so he could lead me to his car.

It was already getting dark. George's hand rested on my thigh as we drove in silence. Even though it was a comfortable silence between us, I could sense George was eager to ask me what had happened, why he needed to pick me up. "I had an argument with Mick, again" I explained before he could ask. "I already sensed something like that" he told me. Once again, a silence fell over us.

After driving for a while, George slowed down and stopped somewhere. He got out of the car, and presumably walked to the passenger side to help me. It was pitch dark, which made it hard for me to see anything. It was one huge black blur in front of me. "Come on, I'll lead you," he told me as he took my hand, "don't be afraid for a moment." I squeezed his hand slightly as I got out of the car.

George led me up a hill, I guessed by the incline. "There's a bench I'm leading you to" he informed me. Once there, he stopped me and helped me sit down. "This isn't a bench George" I giggled as I sat down on the ground. I heard him chuckle as I felt him plop down beside me. "It's something like that" he said. I let my hands glide over the ground, feeling some sort of blanket, and cushions behind me.

"Did you prepare this for me?" I asked in disbelief. He kept quiet for a bit. "I just wanted to do something special for someone special" he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. I felt my face heat up. "Come lay with me" he said as he took my hand. He laid down on the blanket and helped me lay down with him. I rested my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and started caressing my arm.

"I'll always be here" he said, breaking the silence. My heart fluttered at his words. "I know you'll always be here George" I whispered, scared that my voice would give up on me. I felt him shift, laying my head down on one of the cushions as his hand came up to my cheek. "Do not freak out" George whispered. Seconds later I felt his lips on mine.

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