Pierre/Charles ~ Cheater

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The Vamps - Cheater

The loud music in the club made it hard for me to think, but that was exactly what I needed: no thinking. It was a Friday evening in France and Pierre was away from home, so I decided to have some fun. I went to the club on my own, but little did I know that I'd run into Charles. Charles was already quite tipsy. "Heeeey!" he greeted me as he gave me a sloppy hug. I chuckled at Charles' condition. He was over-excited, he smelled strongly of alcohol, and his eyes were half closed.

"We need to talk about your boyfriend" he said suddenly. I frowned and looked confused at him. That was straight forward. "Why?" I asked him. My question made him laugh. "You knoooow.." Charles said as he took a sip of his drink. "He's got a secret" Charles added. I began to have doubts about how seriously I should take him right now, given his condition. "Maybe it's better if we have this conversation tomorrow Charles" I said to him as I got up to walk away, but Charles grabbed my wrist. "I'm serious. He's telling you lies" Charles looked me right in the eye.

He seemed very confident about his findings. "Well, go on then" I said, deciding to stay and listen to his story. Charles took another sip of his drink and sat up a little straighter. He leaned closer to my ear, so I could hear him clearly, and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Pierre's got another girlfriend. I could hear them through the bedroom wall in the hotel" Charles told me, taking another sip of his drink. My eyes widened in disbelief. "Yeah," he continued, "I just thought you should know. Everybody knows it but they never told you."

Charles' story is consistent with what I have seen and heard. There were pictures of Pierre and a girl walking through the paddock. We also had an argument about that girl recently. Someone had seen Pierre cuddling up to the girl during a race weekend. He always told me that she was just a friend, and that the stories were made up. Seems like she isn't a friend at all.

"Come!" Charles shouted enthusiastically, pulling me by my arm. "We're going to get another drink" he told me whilst we walked towards the bar. We ordered our drinks and waited for them. I had not yet had time to let the story sink in. I was thinking about it until I felt Charles' arm around my shoulder. "Don't think about it too much" he said in my ear. When our drinks were ready, I knocked mine back in one go and ordered another, doing exactly the same again.

Charles looked at me in surprise, a big smile appeared on his face. "Let's dance!" I exclaim as I took Charles to the dancefloor. We danced for a while, until I felt the alcohol kick in a bit. I made it clear to Charles that I had to go outside. Once we got out, I took the pack of cigarettes out of my jacket pocket, took one out and lit it. "I didn't know you smoked," said Charles in astonishment. I chuckled and replied "No, neither did I."

I stared at the ground as I thought about Pierre, and about what Charles had told me. "You know," Charles broke the silence, "maybe this isn't going to be as bad as you thought." I didn't understand what he meant. I frowned as I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. Charles looked at me with a big smile. "And why is that?" I asked him, taking another drag of my cigarette. "Maybe you'll end up with me" he said and winked at me. I burst out laughing. Drunk Charles could be so funny.

"Charles, you've got a girlfriend" I remember him, wiping away my tears of laughter. Suddenly the realization hit him and it showed on his face. It didn't take long before his facial expression changed again. He had a big smile on his face. "He's still a fricking cheater" he tried to say it in a serious way, but it wasn't successful because of the alcohol. "I will go and talk to him" I assured him. He pulled me in for a big hug. "Take care of yourself" he murmured into my hair. I let out a chuckle as I murmur back at him "I'll be fine."

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