George ~ Time-bomb

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All Time Low - Time-Bomb

The world seemed to stop spinning the first time George and I met. We knew right away that we were going to be special for each other. In the following months, everything revolved around us. We were head over heels in love and did everything we could do to be together. Just two kids, stupid and fearless. But after some time, our personalities started to clash.

George is calculated, I am impulsive. George is a thinker, I am a feeler. Those traits clash a lot, in many situations. We knew from the start that it would be difficult. At first, some small arguments occurred. Small arguments turned into bigger arguments, and after 3 years, the bigger arguments turned into fights.

We didn't see it, or maybe we didn't want to see it. It was like a time bomb set into motion, every time again. The bomb would explode and afterwards, we'd clean up the mess and picked up where we left off. Until that one race weekend. That race weekend when the bomb exploded again, and I didn't clean up the mess.


"You know what?! Here's your stuff. Go and sleep at Dorian's hotelroom!" George yelled as he threw some of my clothes at me. My jaw dropped in surprise. "Excuse me? What are you trying to accuse me of? The same thing you're doing with Nyck's sister?" I looked him dead in the eyes and could see the anger fire up inside him. "Yeah well, maybe I should call Dorian to ask if he has room for me" I chuckled as I took my phone out of my pocket.

George suddenly stormed up to me and grabbed my phone out of my hands. "What the?!" I said as I pushed him against his chest, bumping him into the wall. "YOU'VE GONE INSANE" I screamed as loud as I could. Tears started to burn behind my eyes. I sprinted towards the bathroom, slamming the door and locked it. George started to slam his fists against the door. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!!" he yelled.

Suddenly there was a knock on the hotel room door. George walked towards the door and opened it. "Hey mate, everything ok?" Lando asked him. "Yeah, just an argument" George answered but it was obvious that he was lying. I slowly unlocked the bathroom door and opened it, ready to run. Lando looked at me for a split-second and looked back at George. I saw my phone laying on the bed, so I opened the door some more and started to run, picking my phone up in the process.

"LOUISE!!" I heard George yell but I didn't stop running. I ran down the stairs, through the lobby and towards the circuit. I knew the chance of someone still being at the circuit would be small, but George wouldn't search there.

As I arrived at the circuit venue, I sat down against a wall to catch my breath. I looked up at the sky and saw the stars shining bright. Some time passed so I looked at my phone, 21 unread messages and 7 missed calls. Most of them were from George, but Lando also sent me two messages.


Please send me your location, I'm worried

I won't tell George where you are

I immediately doubted my action as I sent Lando my location. Deciding to not worry about it, I threw my phone next to me on the grass and I laid down, admiring the bright stars. Not much time later I heard someone approach me. Lando laid down next to me in silence.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" He broke the silence. I nodded. "Resistance is useless" I sighed. "I got his heart in my hands, like a time bomb ticking. It goes off, we start again and when it breaks, we fix it" I said as I looked at Lando. He looked at me like he understood. "Let go of his heart then" Lando said, which got me thinking. "Yeah... Maybe I should" I said softly, almost whispering. I sighed and turned to Lando. "Thank you Lando" I smiled weakly at him with tears in my eyes.

The next day I left during the race, and never looked back.

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