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"What are you doing here.." she pushed him off her as soon as she regained her senses. "..and how did you get in here."

"I am glad I did." He smirked as he turned to look at her. "Or else how I would have known that you have been fingerf*cking yourself while moaning my name the whole time."

"Shut up.." She threw the pillow on him while smiling widely which made him skip his heartbeat. "..as if you haven't been f*cking me left, right and centre in your mind while pleasuring yourself all this while."

"Then why can't we do it for real Samaira." Though the lights were out however she can still feel his intense gaze on her. "It's clear that we miss each other so much."

"..yeah.." She finally looked at him "..just enough to give you a boner..and letting myself pleasure just at the mere sight of it."

"It's not enough Krish. I just don't want to play around without any future with you." She sighed. "I don't simply want a physical relationship with you."

"So let's date. Let's make it official then. I have no issues in announcing that you are my girlfriend to our family." Krish's words made her speechless for a few seconds before she could finally say "You don't know what you are saying."

"I know what I want Samaira." He sat in front of her while holding her hand. "I want to be with you."

And that did it for her.

"Just shut up Krish. Enough now." She took her hands back from him.

She got off the bed while putting her nightgown back on. Switching on the lights she looked at him "Dhara is waiting for you at her place. You shouldn't make her wait any longer."

His whole facial expression changed in an instant as he realised his game was over.
"How did you.."

"You think I am a fool." She rolled her eyes " I knew it from Day 1."

"But then too.." he was shocked now.

"Yes..because even I wanted to taste "YOU" however I must say "THOUGH YOU AREN'T BAD. BUT I HAD SOMEONE BETTER." Her eyes were shining with emotion unknown to her as she continued "YOU LOST MR KRISH SINGHANIA AS YOU FAILED TO MAKE MS SAMAIRA GUJRAL HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH YOU."

His face was drained of any emotion.
"..then why did you.."

"I wanted to sleep with you for a long time too. And honestly, I wanted to kill you with my bare hands when you made that bet with Dhara that you can have me and my body at your desire without any strings attached to prove you are a REAL MAN" but instead I took the opportunity to sleep with you and then rejecting you openly by denying to get into any relationship with you anymore." Samaira's words made him choke.

"Samaira you are getting me wrong. There is some misunderstanding...Dhara and I.." but before he could finish Samaira showed him the exit door. "..you slept with her this afternoon..at least have some respect for the girl you are making the beast with two back. You two slept together right after you and I came back from Bali from our extended vacation."

"But it seems she thinks your heart is with me because she isn't that good in bed that why's she got so insecure that she asked you to end this bet asap. So no
wonder you asked me to be in a relationship with you."

"You know I would have let this thing continue for a while but you uttering those words simply ended my interest in you. That's why I am calling it off. Consider tonight as my "parting gift" to you.
Now just get lost before I call my family who in turn will inform your family."

She opened the door "Please leave. And next time make an appointment before even thinking to drop here unannounced."

He couldn't get his mind around it as he simply donned his clothes back on and left the room.

The moment he walked out of her room she closed it and that's when her feet gave in.
Tears stream down her eyes as the dam in her heart finally broke down.

"I chose this. I can't only blame you. I knew what you were up to but then so I went with it. I know it's my fault that I hoped that maybe we can make it work but you proved me wrong. You jumped into bed with Dhara the moment we got back from Bali. And see how pathetic I am. Even after knowing everything today, I couldn't stop my hormones from getting the best of me and surrendering to my desires while keeping you in my mind. To make it worse I once again let you get inside me and do unthinkable and unspeakable things to me while playing along with you on equal footing as we f*cked for several rounds."

"I knew today was the final time I would let you touch and devour me like this and that feeling just kept me going as we went rounds after rounds in the roughest and barbaric way possible."

"I can still smell you on me. I can still feel you inside me. But I know this had to end the moment you said those words that Dhara asked you to say to me. At that moment I realise I can only enjoy numbered nights with you momentarily but you aren't worth spending my whole life or sharing all my days and nights with."

"I willing slept with you. So no blame game there but I will never forgive you as you tried to break me down just for making your girlfriend happy by trying to tear down my dignity and honour and that's something which isn't acceptable to me and will never be."

"This moment marks the end of our tryst Mr Krish Singhania. A Tryst that no one will ever know about. Ever."

"Because you are simply not worth my time, lust, patience or love"


LOVE WILL FIND ITS WAY [ 18+ Age And ABOVE]Where stories live. Discover now