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First love isn't something that can be forgotten easily. As a matter of fact even after getting the heart broken it still remain stuck on the person who broke it in the first place. Well, Samaira and Krish weren't any different.

Yes, it seemed like that Samaira had moved on but the reality was far from the delusion. And she knew it too.

Yes, she is engaged to Saksham.

Yes, she has crossed all limits of decency and insanity with Saksham when it comes to getting physically intimate with him.

Yes, she knows that Saksham is her future.

But, this doesn't change the fact that she still has something unfinished with Krish.

Their Bali tryst was just the tip of the iceberg. But what happened between them is something that Krish and Samaira never shared with anyone.

It was a well hidden secret between them- just between the two of them.

And the real reason why Samaira didn't even let Saksham know about it because she knew that Saksham did something that led to the demise of her relationship with Krish.

That night when she went back to Saksham she wanted to confront him. But then she realized something.

If her bond with Krish was so strong than neither Saksham nor Dhara couldn't have come between them.

The reality was she couldn't be with Krish anymore because she was absolutely broken from within. But she knew she couldn't let the world see through her wounds so she simply chose to leave everything behind...including Krish to make a fresh start.

She knew Saksham was a walking red flag. Saksham wasn't directly involved but he played a pivotal role in everything that happened. She wanted to know why he did what he did.

And soon she found the truth as well.

That Saksham actually wanted her for himself.


Any other girl would have never seen his face again.

But not Samaira.

The whole situation made her realized how f*cked up and twisted her simple life had become.

She simply wasn't interested in fighting with Saksham anymore.

Yes, he was the villain of her love story with Krish-- but he was someone who could have burned the whole world-- just for her-- but wouldn't have let a flame touch her.

His obsession for her changed something inside her -- which ultimately changed her forever.

Instead of confronting and avoiding him she not only just got physical with him but accepted him with his darkest side-- knowingly and willingly.

Honestly, she had no idea what her future was going to be like but soon Saksham made things clear for her.

He was her future.

But she couldn't start a new chapter of her life when she had an unfinished chapter to get over with.

And that's why she was here today.

At the very same place where she met Krish for the last time before leaving India back then.

The very same place which marked the beginning of their unspoken story and saw the ending of their "supposed true love." -- Lover's Point.

She need to draw the lines because she knew Krish too well. And before he could do something she need to settle things down between them.

But will Krish give in so easily or will he makes things difficult like always-- Well, that's something she will soon find out.

Because she stopped right where she used to stop all those years back as finally after ages her eyes found the person who used to be the center of her world at one point of her life.


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