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Life teaches lessons in difficult ways. A person only understands the value of a relationship under two circumstances. First when they don't have one, to begin with. And second, after they end up losing one.

While one stays in the phase of a relationship people start taking it for granted. Because as per their beliefs no matter what happens that "special one" will always stay by their side because after all, true relationships are never about "give and take" rather it's only about "give, give and give even more."

However, they do tend to forget that this thought is the only reason that leads to the ultimate doom of any relationship because instead of being the one who only "gives" they become the ones who only "takes" slowly creating an imbalance in the relationship.

And once one person gets addicted after being on the "receiving end" they end up taking "everything for granted" because they believe that nothing could ever change.

In other, they forget the only rule of nature that "Change is the only constant thing in nature."

Nothing remains the same. Changes are bound to happen. So the other person on the "giving end" changes too. And once that change takes place things either become toxic ( if they are continued ) or end completely (whether bitterly or amicably depends completely on the nature of relationships between those two people).

However, in his case he got none.

Because she simply disappeared from his life as if she never existed in his life, to begin with.

He knew he was completely at fault and he simply can't blame her for leaving him. However, he did blame himself for being the sole cause of her disappearance from his life forever.

She was his first love.

She was his only love.

She has been the only one in his heart.

She was his childhood friend. His only friend that stood by him through thick and thin in their growing days.

She was his best friend with whom he was forever in love.

However, he never expressed his true feelings to her and later gave up on the idea of being in love with her as well because she was too good for him.

She was pure, selfless, intelligent, beautiful, warm, loyal, honest and adorably likeable in every way possible.

She was every guy's dream.

He knew how every male in his age group reacted in her presence. There was no way she could fall for a guy like him even if he did everything to woo her up.

She deserved someone better. Much Much better.

And that's why he ended up dating, kissing and sleeping gazillion other girls just to get over her.

She never judged him. Like a true friend she always stood by him and supported him which only made things worse for him.

Once again she wasn't to be blamed for anything. She loved him but she was never in love with him.

At least that was what he thought till their very last meeting.

"I have fulfilled my promise to stay by your side and let you ascend the heights of success. However, now when that is done I am withdrawing my presence from your life because I can't do this anymore."

"I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember without expecting anything in return. But I guess it's time I begin loving myself now."

"So far I have chosen you over my heart but today I chose my self-respect and dignity over you."

"And that's why I am officially stepping down from the position of your BEST FRIEND and refuse to become a part of your life anymore by leaving the Universe behind where you were the epicentre of it."

"I hope you will have a wonderful life ahead. At least that's what I wish for you."

"Goodbye, Mr Krish Singhania."

"Hope we will never meet again."

Her words were still fresh in his mind as if she spoke those words to him yesterday only.

Of course, he had no clue that she was in love with him.

He was indeed blind...

...that's why he couldn't see what the whole world could see.

And now it was too late to even rectify his mistake.

So he had no option but to accept his fault and live with the consequences of his mistakes while moving on.

He answered the call that was ringing constantly for the past five minutes. "What is it."

"We are waiting for you downstairs. Come fast or else we are coming up."

He looked at his watch. "I am working guys. I have several meetings lined up today."

"You have been holding in your office for ages. You need fresh air and we need to see your face as it has been too long. So come down now or else we are ringing Raj uncle up."

"Dad is busy so don't even dare to bother him. I will be down in five minutes so don't jump the gun." He warned as he cut the call off.

Putting aside everything in order he picked up his jacket from the couch and walked out of his cabin. " Thea reschedule all the meetings for tomorrow. I have something urgent matter to deal with."

"Yes sir." Thea nodded. "Anything else sir."

He shook his head negative. "Call me only if some urgent work comes up. Okay."

"Yes sir." She nodded once again.

He walked towards the elevator that took him straight into the parking lot where his presence was being awaited.

"There he is." One of the guys pointed at him. However, before they could say anything further he spoke "Let's get out of here first then we will talk."

Saying this he got in his car and drove away followed by his set of friends.


LOVE WILL FIND ITS WAY [ 18+ Age And ABOVE]Where stories live. Discover now