Play Again

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Together we set up the game board

We know what we're playing for

I pick out a red game piece for my beating heart

You pick blue to symbolize a cool start

I hope you're ready to play

My prize is bringing you back into my life

Your prize is having me in yours for one night

Roll the dice, roll the dice,

Don't you dare think twice

Make your move, make your move, make your move on me.

I think I'm closing in on your heart,

but I'm no closer than at the start

After playing so long, we both know

That we make it up as we go

Then, we wait, and we wait

Because it's never too late, to win

But this game never ends

because we always play again.

In the middle of another round,

Your roll ends in a loud sound

You think you've gained the upper hand

But what you don't seem to understand

Is that I've known you long enough

To be able to call your bluff

And I've spent enough time crying

To know when you are lying

Roll the dice, roll the dice,

but don't you dare think twice

Make your move, make your move, make your move on her

I think I've lost your heart,

but I never had it to start

After playing so long, I know

That any moment you could go

Then I wait, and I wait,

Because it's never too late, to win

But this game will never end

Because we always play again.

Is this what my life is destined to be?

An eternal wait for you to come back to me

But this waiting is keeping me stuck somehow

If you were gonna come back, you would've by now

I can still see the day when the game goes on again

You want another round, my cheeks start to burn

I'll play along and now I say that it's my turn

I'll roll the dice, roll the dice,

Won't dare to think twice

Make my move, make my move, but won't move on

I'll think I have your heart,

but I'm stuck on restart

After playing so long, I know

That I should just go

Then I wait, and I wait,

But it's too late, to win

But this game will never end

Because I always play again

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