Goodbye Junior Year

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"Would you want coffee or tea?" 

I smiled, "Coffee for me please." 

Peter raised his hand from next to me on the couch. "Me too." 

Aunt May laughed and got to work from her kitchen. I turned to Peter, a silent squeal coming from my lips. He grinned and patted my head. "I wish this is how I was when I had to meet Aunt Sophia." 

I shrugged. "It was nerve-racking. It's understandable but for some reason, this is my response towards my nerves. Just...happiness." I made my smile even bigger. Peter stared at me for a while, making me frown. "What?" 

The next thing I knew my forehead rested on his shoulder as he pulled me towards him. " still takes me a while to process that you are actually here. That I have a sister." He rocked me back and forth, placing a kiss on my head. 

I sighed and pushed him away, a playful pout on my lips. "You take this big brother role too seriously. You are so cheesy." Before Peter could answer, Aunt May entered the living room, handing me a warm cup of coffee. I muttered a 'thank you. 

"So, tell me how the both of you found each other," Aunt May chuckled. Peter and I had already prepared for this question. Aunt Sophia knew the whole truth of our abilities and identities, but in no way would we let May know too. 

"Well, we've actually always been close without realizing at school. Also, dad had left behind her name in a picture inside his briefcase." Peter explained. "Then we did some labs, and our DNA matched." I was silently praying May wouldn't ask further after that. We couldn't add the part in where our abilities became synced, being able to sense each other's presence. 

May smiled and chuckled again. "Wow. I'm glad you were near each other. Even though the both of you were separated, fate brought you back together. That's what siblings must do. Be together."

Peter and I shared a smile. "Lilian, I want you to know," I looked back at Aunt May. "It absolutely broke our heart when your father told us he had separated you from Peter. He swore it was to protect the both of you. Your parents were always so secretive so I knew they wouldn't explain why there was danger in the first place." 

I leaned forward as she spoke, listening closely. I kept getting the feeling that there was something she was leaving out.    

"But, as I said, I am glad the both of you found each other again and I got to meet you once again." Aunt smiled, reaching across the coffee table to take my hand and Peters. 


I closed my locker and sighed. Exams were finally over. Just like that my Junior year was coming to an end. Did I ace my exams? Please, of course I did! I still felt exhausted.

The familiar tingle at the back of my brain went off. Before I could react to it my hand was grabbed and pulled. "What the-" I didn't have to see the person's face to realize it was Peter. He broke into a jog as soon as he wrapped his hand around mine. pulling me with him, forcing me to jog along. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, trying to make him hear over the multiple conversations happening in the hall. 

"Let's just go!" When the front entrance of the school finally came into view, he broke into a run. When he opened the door, I snatched my hand back and went ahead. "Are we racing now?! Really!" I laughed at Peter shouting from behind me. 

I had to eventually slow down to let him lead since I still didn't know where we were going. Peter led me to the same building he had taken me to test out the webs. I remember being mad at him for a long time. I really thought I had lost my mind for following him. 

Peter threw his backpack to the ground, popping and shaking his limbs. "Ah I just wanted to let off some steam," He looked over his shoulder, smiling. "I had to run away from Gwen to do this. Although I did promise we would go on a date tonight." 

I crossed my arms across my chest and laughed. Apparently, Peter's charm was just too irresistible for Gwen and they ended up back together. I know he still thinks about Captain Stacy but Peter likes Gwen too much to forget her. 

"So, it's gonna be a short swing? Good. I too have a date." I said, heading towards the ledge and climbing it. 

"Wait what? With, uh, who and since when ?" Peters response made me burst out laughing again. I turned to look at him, his brows furrowed. 

"With Aunt May and Sophia,"  I answered, sticking my tongue out at him. His expression immediately softened, mumbling a small 'oh'.  He jumped up on the ledge to join me. "Thanks for confirming that I can never tell you if I started going out with someone."

Peter scoffed, pointing a finger at me. "You better. I need to-" Before he could answer I fell forward, already in the air and extending my arm to attach my web to another nearby building. "LILIAN WHAT THE HELL I DIDN'T FINISH!" 

A few months ago, I was living a simple, secretive life. Always focused in school and staying by my friends side.  I was afraid of who I was at the same time, seeing my powers as a curse, seeing myself as a monster. I could have never guessed that Peter Parker, my brother, would become a big part of my life and turn it completely upside down, giving me a new purpose. 

My name is Lilian Anderson and Spider-Woman.



HEY HEY HEY!!! WE DID IT! We finished Part 1!!

Why in the heck did this take 3 years. This is not okay.

BUT WE ARE MOVING FORWARD! I hope you all enjoyed this Part 1. I think this book should go under major editing. I will see when I do that!

As I said, this book will have 3 long parts. Part 2 will take place during The Amazing Spider-Man 2. 

AND HEY!! SpiderMan No Way Home???! IT'S GONNA BE CRAZY!! If Tobey and Andrew are really in it, that literally gives me permission to crossover my own fanfictions. Lilian meets Carly?? Oh, this movie is gonna be AMAZING!

Part 2 will be up AS SOON AS I CAN!!


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now