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Hey where are you
we need to go to Oscorp
remember the tour
we're supposed to give

I'm sorry Gwen but I have detention. I'm gonna get there a little late

Ugh what did u do now?What time are you getting out?

At 5. And I was eating and sneezing in class

Sneezing ? What the hell!!

Yea I know. Got to go . See you later . Bye


I couldn't miss going to Oscorp today. Last time I was there I overheard something. Something that may tell me about my powers.


"I'm making Spaghetti and meatballs" Aunt May said. Ugh again!!! I opened the fridge and got the first frozen thing I saw. "What happened to your face" she asked worriedly. " Oh uhh Skateboarding"

I couldn't say I got beat up because she would've asked me a million questions on why and she would start worrying.

Uncle Ben entered the kitchen with a box.Aunt May told him to get the filthy things out of her kitchen. Uncle Ben got a bit offended. Well I mean they were just dirty old bowling trophies.

I looked at the floor and saw that there was water. The flood. " Hey where's the flood" I asked. Uncle Ben then told me to tag along. The water was coming from the basement.

"I was thinking it was the condenser plate" Uncle Ben said. " Nah it's too much water, it must be the heat tubing exchange". Uncle Ben sighed. " Well that makes sense"

He went back upstairs and told to get some things that looked worth saving. I moved some boxes around until I heard a soft thud. I looked under the stairs and found a old brown leather suitcase. It had the initials R.P. Dad. I remembered. He had this suitcase. I opened it up hoping to find something with answers but there was nothing. There was a calculator, I.D badge to Oscorp, glasses, and a picture of him and a man with a missing arm. On top it said Richard Parker and Curtis Conners

I went back upstairs. When my Aunt and Uncle saw the suitcase they froze and stared at me.

I locked myself in my room and emptied the suitcase, sorting everything. Oh who am I kidding these things mean nothing. I opened the glasses case. I took of my contacts to try out the glasses. When I put them on I could see right.Not bad, I thought.

When I moved the suitcase it made a sound. I searched the suitcase and found a secret opening. It had files. I opened it only to find algorithms and equations. Cross Species Genetics.At the bottom of the paper there was an equation titled 0 0 Decay Rate Algorithm.

There was more inside. Another picture of dad but this time he was standing next to a different man with brown skin. I took out the last picture. This one surprised me the most. It was my mom, dad, me and a baby. A girl and I was holding her.She looked about 1 year old. Who was this girl? In the back of the picture there was three sentences . You can find Lilian. She is the one with great power.Your sister.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now