Mayor of Tokyo

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"Do you think she knows?" Gwen asked. I looked at her, then back down to my homework for next period. "Who?"

"Your Aunt. I mean considering you've had these abilities since you were a child."

I shrugged and sighed, leaning back into the bench. "I don't know. Maybe. And if she did....she hasn't confronted me about it."

"What's up my beautiful ladies." Peter said, taking a seat next to Gwen. I rolled my eyes. "Oh my

Gwen then began to flick her head back and forth between me and Peter. I raised my eyebrows. "You know what....I'm starting to see the resemblance. Same hazel eyes, hair color, and both incredibly smart."

I chuckled, leaning my head back. "Thanks." I stood up and swung my bag over my shoulder. "I should get going and give you guys" I gestured to them. "It's still a little awkward that my brother is dating my best friend. Don't want to be the third wheel."

"Then get someone!" Gwen said. I looked out to the field. "Dude." I mumbled. "Yeah," Peter elbowed Gwen. "Then I can be that overprotective brother." He then stopped. "That comes naturally, right?"

"Peter! Do not encourage this and this con-ver-sation is over." I waved and turned on my heel. "Wait!" Gwen exclaimed. I groaned and turned back to the pair. Gwen got up. "I was gonna ask you something else but the question slipped my mind.....ummm. Are you going to change your name?"

I frowned and shifted my strap higher. "What?"

"Yeah. Since you are technically a Parker."

I chewed the inside of my lip, shifting my weight from one leg to another. I had noticed Peters wide smile at me being a Parker. After a few seconds I finally responded. "No....I-"

Peter shot up at this. "What? Why not?" I sighed and shook my head. "You didn't even let me finish. And I kinda don't want to now." I said calmly.

"Why? Because I'm here?" Peter snapped back. I didn't really want my temper to take over so I kept answering with a calm voice. "Exactly. I know how you get."

Gwen seemed to immediately regret what she started so slowly she sat back down, muttering an 'Oh boy'.

Peter scoffed and ran a hand through his face. "Look, just hear me out," I pleaded. Peter reluctantly put his attention on me. "All I've ever known was Anderson. I don't want this so sudden. All this has been happening too quickly," I began to explain with my hands. "Ben, you turning out to be my brother, almost losing my best friend, using my powers, being these people behind masks. I am trying to handle all these things."

"I mean, are we going to tell our aunts we found each other? Are we going to drop things to be these spider vigilantes?"

Peter opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him, holding up my hand. "Hey! I'm not saying I don't want to the Spider-Woman. I'm not. I'm saying for you to give me time. I'm still processing some stuff. Because on top of all this......we are still just teens that have other responsibilities."

Peter stared at me, considering everything. Gwen sat there awkwardly. I sighed and still managed a smile. "Like I said, I'll give you guys space. I'll be in the library."


I skipped Biology since my mind was still going in circles. I was reading a book when a voice ringed loudly in my ears, giving me a splitting headache. I winced, shutting my eyes and falling back off my chair.

I stayed on the ground, clutching my head, my vision blurry. Slowly everything began to clear. I took deep breaths to even everything out.

I finally noticed what was going on in my head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now