"You don't know my name?"

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As we were walking outside I saw Gwen take a quick glance at a boy setting up some pictures. He's in some of my classes but I keep forgetting his name . He doesn't talk much. We go to our usual bench, Aunt Sophia always packs me lunch. Gwen walks away to get her tray when I here a crowd.

" Eat it, eat it!" Ugh what's going on now. I go to where the big circle is and see Flash Thompson carrying a kid upside down . The kids face was on his tray.

" Eat your vegetables Gordon" Flash said. Omg what is up with that guy just leave the kid alone.

" Hey Parker come on get a picture of this" Flash said to the boy she saw earlier in the hallway. Oh Parker, wait was that his first or last name?

" Put him down , Gordon  don't eat it , don't eat it ,put him down.. Eugene" Parker said. Ugh how can Parker be so stupid. Flash doesn't like when they call him by his real name. Flash then punched Parker in the face .Parker winced in pain. Oh that poor soul. Flash kicked him in the stomach.

"Get up Parker". Parker then received another kick in the stomach.

"Flash! Are we still on for after school  today my house, 3:30

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"Flash! Are we still on for after school today my house, 3:30. I hope you've been doing your homework last time I was really disappointed . How about we go to class, hmm", Gwen said. "Whatever",Flash walked away and so did the crowd leaving Parker on the ground. Gwen signaled me to follow her. I guess I was gonna eat during class without getting caught . I mean how hard can it be I do it all the time.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Gwen. " What, save Peter." Gwen muttered. " Oh so that's his name, and yeah that."

" Didn't you see what happened, that was a brave thing do to. Getting punched is a poor way on repaying him"

" You don't even know him, I mean that guy is really quiet" I said. " You know what let's just go to class". Gwen then walked away. I think she was mad.


"Hey Parker come on get a picture of this". Oh no why me. " Put him down,  Gordon don't eat it don't eat it" I said. "Put him down.. Eugene."

Did I just say that? Oh god what did I just do. I walked to Gordon and Flash punched me in the face. Pain shot through my body as I fell to the ground. I think Flash was saying something but his words weren't clear. He then kicked me in the stomach. Just more pain. Then she was there, Gwen. She was saying something but whatever it was she made everyone walk away. She walked away with Lilian trailing behind.

I walked into class with my head down but  I caught Gwen's gaze

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I walked into class with my head down but I caught Gwen's gaze. I sat down at the back of class. Gwen looked at me.

" I thought that was great what you did out there, it was stupid but it was great."I did a small smirk.

"You should probably go to the nurses office you might have a concussion...What's your name?"

My name she asked for my name. Wow, am I that quiet? " You don't know my name?" I asked.

" No I know your name" Well she didn't look like she was lying. " I just want to know if you know your name"

Oh ok . I answered, "Peter...Parker, Peter Parker"

"I would still go to the nurses office though" She cared or unless I think she cares.

" You're Gwen, right?" I asked . "Gwen Stacy" she answered back.

She faced the front and started writing down what was on the board. I stayed looking at her then put my attention back to the teacher.


The bell rang its last ring of the day. Yes!! Look I love school but today school was cruel to me. I had a substitute for English today and I think my allergies kicked in and I was sneezing like crazy. The sub thought I was doing it on purpose so he gave me detention. Then Mr.Brown caught me eating for like the very first time and he gave me 2 days of detention. Like what the hell!!

I closed my locker and headed to detention. My phone ringed and I took it out to check what it was. As I was walking I got my totally useless tingling feeling which made me look up and stop just in time cause I was about to bump into Peter.

Maybe my tingling feeling isn't so useless."Oh sorry" I said. My eyes met with his and it surprised me that we had the same hazel colored eyes. "It's ok Lilian" Peter said. "How do you know my name" I asked a little confused. "Umm we have chemistry, Algebra and Gym together"

"Oh yeah umm Peter right?" He nodded. I saw the bruise where Flash had punched him. "Are you ok,that punch that Flash gave you looked painful" I said. He chuckled "Yeah yeah I'm fine, thanks to your friend Gwen. If it wasn't for her I think I would've gotten another kick in the stomach"

" Yep , umm I got to go I have detention. Nice meeting you Peter" I walked away blushing a little. He was kinda cute.

Wait what?!? Why am I thinking that?? I don't even know him!!

I pushed the thought away and saw that I had a text from Gwen.

. I will try to write new chapters fast I mean I still got school. Thx!!

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now