Lilian Anderson

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"You didn't let him just copy off you right " I asked. " No of course not , why would I do that" Gwen said

Gwen Stacy is my best of the best friends, sister even. We have been together since 3rd grade. We never let go of each other. We attend Midtown High School. We skipped a grade because I don't want to brag but we are like super smart. Well I'm a little more smarter than Gwen.Sort off.

Anyway, Gwen had been tutoring Flash Thompson , but he just doesn't listen . That guy like ...I don't know...he's like really dumb.

I live with my Aunt Sophia. I love her so much . I never met my parents, and Aunt Sophia never mentions them. Sometimes I have these strange dreams about a boy. The boy is small he looks around 4 years old . The image never clears and he's just there looking at me. Ever since I started these dreams this mystery remained about the strange boy . Oh yeah something else, I'm different. I can stick to walls , I have incredible reflex's , extra strength and sometimes I get this strange tingling feeling. I have never told my Aunt nor anyone actually about my powers. I haven't really tried to see what else I can do because I'm scared of myself. I don't know myself yet because of these powers.

"Come on ,lets go to lunch ". The two friends marched to the cafeteria.


Sorry this is pretty short .This is just a quick introduction. Remember this is my first book.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now