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My eyes fluttered open and I stretched,taking in the bright colors of my room.

Then I remembered.

Last night. Peter. Powers. Brother?

Wait...wasn't I at his house? But now I'm in my room? I then felt a sudden pain to the side of my jaw and I touched the spot,sending me more pain.

I got up and I noticed that I was still in my clothes from last night. I walked to my mirror and studied the spot where it hurt. The side of my jaw was dark purplish,a bruise. Probably from when one of the guys punched me.

Wait was last night even real?


"Lili are you up?" Aunt Sophia said,opening the door to my room and I stumbled,but quickly recovered  . "Isn't that what you wore yesterday?" She said pointing at my clothes.

"Uhh yeah. Quick question,at what time did I come home last night?"

"Well I fell asleep waiting for you. I just had a very bad day at work yesterday and I was extremely tired,but when I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw I had a text message from you saying you were coming home and that message was at 10:05."

Wait what? I don't remember texting her.

"Once I read it I came up to your room and you were here , asleep. Anyway,hurry up and change,you're gonna be late." She then shut the door.

Uh ,What just happened?

I quickly put on some jeans and a loose green shirt.

Aunt Sophia always drives me to school. "Bye" I gave my Aunt a kiss in the cheek ,but before I could get out she grabbed my arm. "Lilian,what is that?" She pointed to my jaw and I internally smacked my forehead. "I.....fell last night...from my bed." I said,hoping that would convince her. "Oh okay." She said and let go of my arm. I waved at her and shut the car door.

As I walked the hallways,my eyes looked for Peter. I then began to feel my tingling feeling. Through the crowd I saw Peter walking towards me. "You felt it too?" I told him as he stood in front of me.

"Yeah." He said. "Okay, cool anyway we got to talk" I grabbed his hand and led him through the hallways looking for the janitors closet.

"Where are we going?" I heard him ask. I was about to answer but my eyes landed on someone coming towards me, Gwen.

Oh shoot.

"Hey Gwen!" I forced a smile. She craned her head to see my hand on Peters,I quickly let go.
"Uh Gwen can't talk right now. Peter and I have to talk about the project. I think he's in a good mood now. Uhh see you later!" I now just grabbed Peter by the arm and walked away,leaving a confused Gwen behind.

I finally found the janitors closet but it was occupied by a couple kissing. "Omg guys do this when we get out of school!" and I slammed the door shut. "So roof it is." I pulled Peter again and we went up the stairs.

Once on the roof I let go of Peter. "I am confused." He said.

"You? You are confused? What about me?" I said. "I'm not even sure if last night guys were after us and-"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now