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I ran ahead of Peter, a new wave of panic hit me. I slid to Mr. Stacy's side, panting, already feeling my eyes burn. His white shirt was coated with blood, his hand held a gun in defense. 

Peter kneeled in front of him. I took in deep breaths as I looked at Mr. Stacy, my hands shook at my sides. I wanted to raise them and hug him but I didn't want to touch him. I couldn't anymore so I looked away and clasped my hands together. 

"The Lizard?" He asked Peter. "It's okay. We stopped him," Peter reassured him. 

"Let's get you out of here." 

I heard hissing sounds that brought more pain to my heart, shutting my eyes. He was too in pain to even move. How are we supposed to get him out? I want to think positively. I really do but.....we left him here for too long. By now he's lost to much blood and his wounds looked critical. 

What do we do? What do we do?

We can't lose him. GWEN can't lose him. I can't lose him. Not now. Please, not now. He doesn't know the truth. I NEED to explain things. He can't go like this. 

"You are gonna make enemies. People will get hurt. Sometimes people closest to you. So, I want you to promise me something."

I had opened my eyes again and listened carefully, letting him let out his final words.


No...he-he was calling me. "Lilian look at me." I didn't want to. I didn't want to. 

But I had to....for him. I felt Peter take one of my hands and turn me around to come face to face with Mr. Stacy again.

He sighed and spoke again, "I need the both of you to promise me something." I nodded. 

" Leave Gwen out of it." 

I froze and blinked, letting out a shaky breath. "Promise me that," He repeated. He had noticed our hesitation.

He was saying to keep MY best friend out. He was telling Peter to keep out his love. He was stay away. 

"I am sorry to ask of you this, but if you care for Gwen...Please promise me."

A moment of silence passed again.

Mr. Stacy hummed to get our attention, waiting for a response. "You promise me?"

I looked at his eyes. They were slowly fading. I could see it. 

We couldn't go against his wishes. Not now, so, slowly, Peter and I nodded our heads and watched as Mr. Stacy went limp.

I gasped and shot up, quickly walking away from them.

My breathing came uneven, my heart pounded against my chest and suddenly...everything just felt colder. I hugged my arms and tried to catch my breath.

This can't be happening. No, please, no. 

Not able to contain it anymore, I let the tears fall, a guttural sob escaping my lips.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now