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"Catch!" I tossed the piece of toast into the air, Peter catching it swiftly and stuffing it into his mouth. He slung his backpack straps over his shoulder and nodded at me.

"Let's go." I grabbed my own bag from the floor and drank one last drink from my coffee before following him.

Once I passed through the door Peter locked it up.

Aunt May had to go to work earlier today so Peter invited me over to walk to school together.

The past few days I had tried my best to get things back to normal. There still wasn't much talking between Gwen and us. Well, more specifically between Gwen and Peter. Relationship stuff. Gwen still managed a smile around me or some small talk. Peter, however, is not giving up on getting her back.

The words that Mr. Stacy still haunts us. I know that Peter had been staying away from Gwen because of what he had told us. Peter blamed himself for so many things. He doubted himself and preferred to push her away but I personally thought that he shouldn't ignore his feelings for her. It's because he loves her that he thinks distance is the best but it is going to drive him crazy.

I also know that Gwen had visited Peter a day after the funeral and he made it clear things were over. I really wanted to scold him for that because there was still a chance for him. It was obvious Gwen feels the same about Peter but duty comes first apparently. However, he has been different lately. He is fighting for Gwen again and I know this will improve his mentality.

Now, there also happens to be the situation on Aunt Sophia. Aunt Sophia has been very busy lately and she comes home during school hours but goes back so I rarely see her. I can not avoid the fact that she knows about my secret and about my brother. How much longer can I keep this up? Maybe introducing Peter to his aunt can progress to telling our aunts about us. First Aunt Sophia and then May. Yeah, this should work. I hope.

"You are thinking way too loud. Chill out," Peter said, tapping me on the shoulder. I turned to him with wide eyes. Can we read our thoughts now?

My alarming face made it too obvious to Peter what I was thinking and he raised his hands. "No, I can't read your mind okay!"

I sighed in relief because my head is in too much of a whirlwind right now for him to see. "I just...I can sense something wrong." Peter added.

I flicked my eyes between the road and him.

If I want to do this to make things easier between us, I have to tell him. I need to tell him my aunt knows and the best thing would for them to meet.

I noticed that we were close to the school so I finally spoke. "Uhm, Peter, can we go back to your house today there...there is something I need to tell you," I mumbled. Peter looked at me and smirked.

"About time. This aura of worries has been making me sick for days." He teased, fanning the air with his hand. I narrowed my eyes at him.


"What the- Did you have to say that to her?" Peter exclaimed, grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me. I squirmed out of his hold and fell to the floor.

"I was mad okay! I didn't know what I was saying I was just...frustrated!" I snapped back, looking up at him from where he sat on his bed crisscrossed. Peter sighed and slapped a hand to his forehead. "Isn't this what you wanted though?" I mumbled, breaking eye contact.


I bit my lip, mentally deciding the next words that will come from my mouth. "It's just wanted our aunts to know about us, right? Well, this is our chance-"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now