What to Do

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The wind calmed me down. I took a train and went back out to the city. I had put back on the comfort of my suit and laid on top of a building, listening to the sirens below. My suit was torn here and there.

I had to fix it.

I honestly think that it was about time I spoke to my Aunt about this. I didn't know how much longer I could keep in that I knew about my family.

Things wouldn't have been the same.

I wanted to go to Peter right after I had ran out of the house but decided not to.

We lost someone.

We lost Geroge Stacy.

It hurt.

It sucked that I couldn't tell him the truth. I thought that after all this, I could talk to him and come to a compromise. Maybe we could even work with the police. And Gwen-

God Gwen.

What were we supposed to say?

There was still too much to worry about even though we just defeated the Lizard.

What the heck am I supposed to do...


It was around 4 am when I decided to swing back to the house. All the lights were out. I slipped into my room, dropping my backpack, and plopping on the bed with a loud groan. My body was sore all over and at the moment, a shower sounded pretty nice but of course...I no longer had the energy for that. 

My body was finally shutting down....finally...

Before I drifted off, my hands curled, gripping the sheets from my bed. I held them tight.

I want to hold someone...

Someone to hold me...

Hold me...



A few days later the funeral for Mr.Stacy was being held. Here I stood in front of the mirror. Staring at my black flats and simple black dress that went past my knees. I finished running the comb down my locks and placed the comb down. 

That's when I realized my hands were shaking...again.

I took deep breaths. Over and over again. 


I was scared.

I- I can't show up. I can't face Gwen now. I haven't talked to her for the past days and I'm suddenly showing up to her father's funeral who I happened to been there when he died. Not only that I am going to be surrounded by his family and police officers that have been hunting me down?

Letting out a growl of frustration I kicked my desk chair. However, it ended up clashing loudly against my wall. I cringed at my strength and how hard I had kicked it.

My bad...

"Lilian?" I heard from the stairway.

I froze. 

"What happened? Are-"

"I'm fine!" I answered her before she could get any closer to my door. 

I stayed silent until I finally heard her footsteps go back down.

Not now. I could NOT talk to her right now. 

I grumbled and fell back on my bed. The only thing that happens to be my friend for the past days. I closed my eyes and went back into my head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now