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I put a hand on Peters shoulder. He shrugged it off. "Go away" He said.

"Peter I-


I looked at his uncle laying in the ground. I nodded. "Fine" I stood up. "I'm sorry Peter. If you ever need anything I'm here for you." He stayed looking at his uncle. I wiped a tear from my cheek and walked away. I could hear my phone vibrating in my purse. I'm sure it's Aunt Sophia but I don't want to talk right now.

But if I don't answer she might do something stupid so I answered my phone.


I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. It's just that uhhh some-something happened"

What happened?

"I'll tell you when I get home I'm almost there"

Okay but I d-

I hung up. I needed to think. I felt so bad for Peter. Could I have done anything else?

When I opened the door, Aunt Sophia attacked me with a hug. "I was so worried" She pulled back to look at me. "Like I said, I'm fine." She looked down at my shirt. "Why is your shirt ripped?Lilian?"

I sucked in a breath. "On my way to the store I bumped into Peter,the boy I was supposed to meet. There was a gunshot. H-hi- his Uncle was shot" I said. She gasped. "I ripped some of my shirt to try to do something cause he was bleeding. ALOT. He didn't make it" Aunt Sophia hugged me again and I began to cry. I don't know why, I just did. Oh I know why.

I hated what I saw. It was terrible. Why would someone shoot a defenseless old man? It wasn't right. I hated seeing Peter like that, I hated seeing all the blood.

I pulled back and went to the sink. I washed my hands and saw water that fell turn red.I took off the case from my phone and washed it too. I told Aunt Sophia good night and went upstairs. I took a quick bath hoping to wash everything away.

As soon as my head hit my pillow, I fell asleep.


"Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist." The officer took out a paper and showed it to Aunt May.

She had a tissue in her hand from all the crying. She looked horrible.


Why him?

"I need you to take a look" the officer told her. She quickly nodded,her voice cracking. "No, I don't know him."

"I didn't expect you would ma'am"

I leaned my head against the wall,trying to hold back the tears. The officer finally stood up and began to walk towards the apartments entrance.
I took a quick glance at the paper.
"Uh,can I have that?" I asked the officer. "There's one other thing. He has a star tattooed on his left hand"

My thoughts drifted to a few hours ago because I did see that star,while he was reaching for the money.

I hate myself. This was my fault. If I hadn't run away,none of this would've happened.

I didn't stop him.......just because he gave me my damn milk.

I stayed staring at the picture. I then heard Aunt May crying again.

I went up to my room and saw that I had a voicemail from uncle Ben. I pressed play. I put my phone to my ear and listened to his voice.

Peter, I know things have been difficult lately..and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what're feeling.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now