The Fight

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Peter took the first hit. I watched as they both fell from the tower but kept fighting.

When Peter tried to climb back up, the lizard managed to pull him down from his leg and fling him off the building.

I was quick to jump from my position to meet him midair. I caught his hand, shot a web and pulled us to the building's glass windows. We landed with a loud thud.

"Thanks for that." Peter panted. We started crawling up, ready to fight together.

The Lizard was already waiting for us and threw a canister of nitrogen to stop us. A direct hit would have frozen us but we dodged it, letting it fall between us.  

It used its tail next to smash us but only ended up spraying us with broken glass. 

Peter, you get to the tower. I'll distract him. I transmitted.

How about y-

Just do it!

Peter listened and we got back in action. I let the adrenaline spread throughout my body for what was about to come. 

The lizard went for Spiderman first. He slid under him to get to the tower. I took the opening to kick the Lizard in the back. He whipped around to me. 

I shot a web to his body and he tried ripping it off himself. I let the connected thread pull me as the Lizard tugged it. Before I went over the building, I used the momentum to aim at his back and pull myself to it. 

I connected multiple layers of webbing between my hands and wrapped it around its thick neck. 

It howled and began to thrash around like crazy. Placing my feet firmly on the slimy surface, I pulled tighter at the webbing around his neck. I yelled as I used all my strength to keep him in place. 

It clawed at its neck to remove the strings, my eyes widening when I heard snaps. This wasn't going to last.


Plan B.

For a moment, I let loose and he instantly took the chance to fling me off him. I didn't go far since I connected my web to a close structure. It obviously didn't want to waste time on me. His eyes were back on Peter.  

This wasn't going to work. 

I breathed in deeply and jumped to try to get to Peter first. I was almost at the railing when something wrapped around my arm and pulled me back down to the ground.


The Lizard flung me to the ground, a groan escaping my lips as my back collided on the cold, hard metal ground. For a second I saw black dots. I shook my head to get rid of them and tried to get back on my feet. 

The Lizard snatched me up again by both arms. I gasped at the extremely tight grip. His hold tightened more and I heard a crack.

That's when my eyes shot open in realization. 

My web-shooters.

He was crushing them.

"No!" I yelled, but it was too late. I looked at my wrist where the Lizard had his hold on me. 

The webbing was out. 

I got frustrated and swung my legs forward, landing a kick on his stomach. I quickly took back my arms from his grip and flipped back. 

I thought he was focused on Peter but turns out he decided to at least finish things with me. He snapped his tail. I dodged just in time but what came next was a bang of a metal canister to my head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now