You can't swing on the ground

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Once I felt my heart beating normally, I reminded Peter that we still had a project to do and we only had two days to finish it.

We now sat at the library, deciding to present our project in slides. While Peter finalized information, I did what I do best, decorate. I chose the best font I could find and looked for a good combination of colors where our typing would stand out but also blend in.

"Hey Lilian, I'm sorry about us having to do our project so late. I-I've been just so busy thinking about-" 

"Your uncle?" I said knowing the answer. He nodded. "Technically our uncle," He said softly and I froze.

He's right. Technically his Uncle Ben was also my Uncle Ben and.....I watched him die......and I had his blood in my hands. My stomach twisted at the memory. I didn't even mourn. Oh, wait. I did. I did feel sadness that night.

My uncle was dead. An Uncle I didn't even get to know.

"Uh-Yeah. Um. That's right.....and I.Saw." I whispered. Peter put a hand to my shoulder, sending me warmth and comfort. I then cleared my throat. "So, all the information is good?Completed?"

"Uh,yeah.I'm done." He confirmed.  "I was thinking, I mean if you want, to actually perform some of these combinations. You know, to uh...have more accurate information and take pictures of our procedures and display it in a separate poster." He suggested. I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah that sounds good but remember we only have tomorrow," I said. "I know but we can do it. Getting out of school we can head directly to my house, experiment, the experiment is quick, take the pictures and I'll print them out. Then Thursday morning we'll glue them on."

"Okay. It sounds rushing, but it is totally worth it, but like are you sure?" I asked. I thought that with only our information it was enough since that's all that Mrs.Wilson asked for. Experimenting wasn't a requirement. Before Peter could answer, I spoke. "You know what, yeah let's do it." I grinned. "Really, okay cool. Let's finish this up."


The next morning was the same routine. Wake up, Brush my teeth, change, check I have everything in my backpack and get in the car.

Once at school, I walked through the always crowded hallways, making my way towards my locker.

I put in my lock combination and got what I needed.

As I got my things, I felt the, now familiar, tingling feeling. "Hey, Peter," I said without looking up as I still stuffed in my books. "Hey."

I zipped my backpack and stood up, turning and giving my brother a smile. "We still on for later? Right after school?My house?" He asked. I nodded.

"Wait, Peter," I said realizing something. "Your au- I mean-our aunt.....will she recognize me?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wow. I completely forgot about that." I bit my lip, wondering if the answer I am about to get from my next question will hurt me. "Does........Does she even know I exist?" I asked softly. Peter stayed quiet for a moment. "Um.I-I don't know. I'm sure she-I mean....she has too." He said.

Hearing this made my heart sink. "Oh.Okay." I said looking down. "Are you going to tell her about me?"

"I-I have too. Right?" He stuttered. Why was he so uncertain? I took a deep breath and looked back up at Peters hazel eyes. "We shouldn't worry about that," I said, waving my hands in the air. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost time for the first period. "Come on. We got to go to class."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now