A Bad Friend

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Since I'm alone tonight, I decided to stuff the radio in my backpack. Just in case. Aunt Sophia got a late shift, you know, extra money doesn't hurt. I got other news.

Gwen texted.

She said she wanted to see me at 8. Along with a 'I think it's time we talked best friend'. It made me smile that she wanted to get together again.

I crumbled up my Subway wrapper and tossed it to the trash can. I got my green cup and refilled it with half sweet tea and Lemonade. I took a sip before waving over my shoulder and opening the door. "See ya Leah!" Leah waved back. My go to place has always been Subway. Since she's seen me so much, she practically knows all about me. Even exactly how I want my sub since it's always the same.

I drank my tea peacefully as I walked down the sidewalk. Thats when I heard the radio static. I paused and listened.

It said something about the bridge. Got to call Peter. I dashed into a dark alley and shrugged off my backpack. I searched for my phone, quickly dialing Peters number. I put it on speaker and let it ring as I began to unbutton my shirt, then pulled down my jeans. My suit was underneath.


"We got an emergency Pete. Meet me at the top of Brooklyn Bridge. ASAP!"

Got it. On my way.

I took out my mask, gloves, and tested out my web shooters really quick. They were good. I glanced up and leaped really high, got a grip on the wall and began to climb and swing to the bridge.

Moments later I thrust upwards and landed perfectly at the top. Peter landed next to me. He removed his jacket and shirt, underneath was his own blue and red suit. I noticed his uneven breathing. "You already tired?"

He shook his head. "No. I just...uh. I almost told Gwen about this." My jaw dropped. "What? Wh-Why?"

"Look I just really like her Lili. And then...this thing with her dad-"

"Her dad? W-" I was cutoff by the screaming and crashes from below. We snapped our heads to the commotion. My eyes widened at what I saw. It was a large figure that looked dark green. It also had a long slim tail. Like....like a lizard. It jumped from car to car, as if looking for something. "What the hell is that?

"Let's find out." Peter slid on his mask and nodded at me.

We were ready for action. We jumped down. On the way down, the Lizard started throwing cars off the bridge. Me and Peter got to work on catching each one. As we neared it, Peter went high, gained momentum, and swung to it. "Incoming!" Peter kicked back the lizard and I caught the car it had just thrown, attaching it to the railing.

We heard a low growl coming from the lizard. I narrowed my eyes at it. It seemed to be gripping his arm. I was about to advance but he ran away.

"Help! My son! He's still in there!" A man shouted, our attention turned to him. "I'll get the boy. You check the other cars." Peter instructed.

"Alright." I gladly let Peter lead. He seems like a great leader and I would follow him in anything. I pulled up the cars, listening for any survivors. My spidey sense tingled, my eyes snapping to the car Peter was in. It had burst into flames. "Oh shoot."

I swung to it as fast as I could. The web snapped and I made it just in time. Peter shot out a string and I caught it with my left hand. I gripped the railing tightly with my other hand. My muscles strained, my jaw clenched. I was holding the weight of Peter and the car.

I looked down at Peter who didn't have the mask. "Hold on!" I yelled down. Peter was focused on the kid. I heard a creak and I gasped. The rim Peter was holding was separating from the car.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now