My Fault

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"I really don't like this idea." I said as we slowly descended from our webs upside down. "Lilian...that's the hundredth time you've told me that." Peter said back. I rolled my eyes and let Peter do the work. He shot multiple webs down each sewer tunnel , connecting them into the middle over a waterfall of dirty water and waste. One web was attached to his camera above us.

We settled in the middle of the web and waited for any sign of the lizard.

We had to wait a long time.

We eventually pulled up our masks and got entertained with Peters phone, playing word search.

I pointed at his screen as I spotted a word. He traced the letters and it was crossed off the list. "This is easy." I whispered. We talked and talked...

Until our spidey senses went crazy. We sat up slowly, our eyes trained on one tunnel. 

One of the strings vibrated, signaling movement. I pulled down my white mask then my hood, getting ready. The strings set a soft hum. Suddenly, our senses snapped to the right.

Then the left.

Then around.

We whipped our heads around, watching as many threads shook.

My heart began to race in suspense. Finally, from one tunnel came a large shadow, turning out to be a small lizard. I released a breath. It was cut short as many colored reptiles emerged from the tunnels. They made their ways around us, like if we weren't there. They used the webs as a lane to one particular way.

That's where me and Peters attention turned. I felt him squeeze my hand gently.

Peter began to slowly crawl where the lizards were headed.

But something was wrong. I could feel it. We both could. My head twitched, pounding with alarms.

We were too late.

Our target was here.

And above us.

In a whirl, the Lizard lunged at Peter, making me jump back. Before I could attack, I felt it's large, think, slimy tail wrap around my throat and pull me, a strangling sound falling from my lips.

With all his weight, he held Peter in the middle of our web, pinning him down with its claws.

My air was cutting short. Every breath I took would burn my throat, panic instantly flaring through me. I clawed at its tail but it's grip was too tight. I flailed my legs as I hung in midair, over the fall.

I watched in a blurry haze as the Lizard held its large claws over Peters head. "You both stopped me once. You won't stop me again." It growled.

"I grow stronger everyday!" He slowly dragged his sharp claws over Peters chest. Peters muscles shook as he desperately tried to get the Lizard off him. 

I slowly felt myself slip conscious but I tried fighting it back.

But I couldn't breath.

Thankfully, Peter finally slipped his arm enough to throw a punch at its face, throwing the Lizard off balance.

The web snapped and the three of us fell into the water, the tail uncurling from my throat.

We splashed hard. I couldn't feel my body and I just let myself sink limply. I still couldn't breath in air because all that came was gulps of water.

I let the current take me, my mind still blurry, my lungs aching. I felt Peters hand grip mine and pull me harshly, swimming through the water.

He broke through metal tubes into a narrow tunnel where we can fit, but not the Lizard.

The flow of water lifted us, throwing us back into the sewer. The current was too strong and Peter couldn't grab into anything.

Suddenly, his grip from my hand slipped and I was dragged further ahead. My head clashed into the walls, making things harder for me.

I couldn't breath, my eyes begged to close, and my mind was in pain and in circles.

I went into the darkness.


"I gave him an equation.....that made all of this possible. Something my father had been working on. Secretly. Now I realize why he kept it a secret. Point is this is my responsibility. I have to fix it."

My eyes snapped open with a gasp of air, my body shooting up. Pain instantly filled my body. I gripped my head tight, shouting at the pain.

"Hey. Hey." Gwen was at my side, holding my shoulders. "Lay down. Lay down." She said softly with a comforting tone. She handed me an ice pack, pressing it to the back of my head. I inhaled deeply, letting the pain dull.

I turned to Peter, observing him as he looked at me. Three bloody marks were across his chest, his cheek bruised. He gave me a weak smile but I didn't return it.

I had heard what he said.

"W-Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I said. He sighed and looked down. "Why would you give it to him?"

"I thought our father trusted him." He answered softly. I shook my head, biting my lip. "If you would've told me earlier we could've properly planned this out." Peters eyes snapped back up to me. "Lil-"

"We could've thought of an antidote. We could've-" I rambled on. "You don't think I know that!" Peter blurted out, a sad look in his face.

"Because of me you got hurt."

I rolled my eyes, removing the ice pack from my head. "Don't start pinning this only on yourself."

"But this is my fault. I promise......I will fix this." He added. I scoffed. "No. We're going to solve this together."

Peter looked away again. I reached for his face and cupped his cheeks with my gloved hands, turning his face to me. "Hey. We're in this together remember." Our hazel eyes locked.

I could tell Peter was hesitating inside, but he had no choice. He had brought me into this. I wasn't going to back down.

He slowly nodded.

"Wow." Gwen's voice made us jump, forgetting she was in the room. She noticed our wide eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry. It's just....-" Her finger whipped from me to Peter. "You guys are sooo...I'm sorry. I can't find the right word." She chuckled, blushing.

That's when I took notice of the room I had become to familiar with since 5th grade.

"You know, you guys never went on a proper date." I pointed out, breaking the silence. "What? Um..." Gwen scratched her head. "It's okay. I'll take care of it." I waved off. "Why you?" Peter scoffed.

"Well, because you're not good at this stuff and Gwen is too cheesy."

They frowned at me, their looks making me laugh and fall back into the soft cushions.

I no longer felt pain.


Sucky chapter. Srry:(

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now